elringus / bootsharp

Compile C# solution into single-file ES module with auto-generated JavaScript bindings and type definitions

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How does the bootData section work for web?

DanielHabenicht opened this issue · comments

I tried implementing the bootData section for your example project:

    // Providing implementation for 'GetHostName' function declared in 'HelloWorld' C# assembly.
    dotnet.HelloWorld.GetHostName = () => "Browser";

    async function loadfile(path) {
        response = await fetch(path);
        // Examine the text in the response
        buffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
        return Base64.fromUint8Array(new Uint8Array(buffer));

    window.onload = async function () {
        allfiles = [
        assemblies = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < allfiles.length; i++) {
                name: allfiles[i],
                data: await loadfile("Project/bin/Debug/net6.0/" + allfiles[i]),
        // Booting the DotNet runtime and invoking entry point.
        const bootData = {
            wasm: await loadfile("Project/bin/Debug/net6.0/dotnet.wasm"),
            assemblies: assemblies,
            entryAssemblyName: "HelloWorld.dll",
        await dotnet.boot(bootData);
        // Invoking 'GetName()' C# method defined in 'HelloWorld' assembly.
        const guestName = dotnet.HelloWorld.GetName();
        console.log(`Welcome, ${guestName}! Enjoy your global space.`);

But I always get this error, any idea why?

dotnet.js:488 Uncaught (in promise) RuntimeError: abort(TypeError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import #0 module="a" error: module is not an object or function). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.
    at abort (dotnet.js:488:25)
    at dotnet.js:542:25

I also tried the Project/bin/Debug/net6.0/publish/wwwroot/_framework/ Path.

In your case it's probably failing because you're using dotnet.wasm from the .NET SDK, which is not supported at the moment due to #20

That was lightning fast!
Thanks, yes it was.
I was already looking at the test but failed to notice the native/ path.