eloylp / goomerang

A small communications library based on protocol buffers over websockets

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A protocol buffers over websocket communications library.


ci status code quality godoc

Gopher art by @lidiackr


This project is still a proof of concept. It has none or very little production experience. But that doesnt mean it wasnt made with ❤ . Maintainers of the project reserve the right of breaking the public API in new versions.


Goomerang is an effort to provide an easy, application friendly way for communicating clients and servers. Because some of us only need to send some protos over a fast pipe. Here is a high level of the idea (bar napkin drawing):


Possible status transitions for servers:

 direction LR
 [*] --> NEW
 CLOSED --> [*]

Possible status transitions for clients:

direction LR
[*] --> NEW
CLOSED --> [*]

Main features


go get go.eloylp.dev/goomerang

Basic usage

If you are unfamiliar with protocol buffers, all the examples on this readme plus a little guide can be found here.

Let's create a basic server. We just need to import the server package from the library. The server has multiple available options, we encourage the user to review them.

package main

import (


func main() {
	s, err := server.New(
	if err != nil {
	if err := s.Run(); err != nil { // Will block the program till exit.

The client side package its quite symmetric with the server one. The client has also multiple available options, Let's see an example:

package main

import (


func main() {
	c, err := client.New(
	if err != nil {
	if err := c.Connect(context.TODO()); err != nil {

That's it ! we just have connected a client and a server ! But not in a very useful way. Both, client and server have support for handlers. See the next sections for more information.


Goomerang facilitates the creation of custom message protocols. Messages can have 2 parts, headers and a payload. Headers are just a map[string]string. The payload allows holding any type which accomplishes the proto.Message interface, so any protocol buffer message type.

package main

import (


func main() {
	msg := message.New().
		SetHeader("Key", "Value").
			Message: "my message !",

It's encouraged to use the message builder, so all complexities and needed data will be fulfilled.

The message.Message type it's normally used in message handlers. It can also be used in the public API of client and server instances for simple operations like Send(msg). See more in the following documentation.

Messages registration

Both parts, clients and servers, need to know all kind of messages they are going to receive beforehand. There are 2 ways of registering message types:

  • Using the handler registration functions.
  • In clients, the convenient client.RegisterMessage(msg) can be used.

They are exclusive. If a message is already registered in the moment of the handler registration, such message doesn't need to be registered by other methods.

An history of handlers and middlewares

There's support for handlers and middlewares for both, client and server sides. This part of the project comes inspired by the Go HTTP standard library. The intention is to make this part familiar and versatile.

Handlers and middlewares can only be registered before starting the client or the server.

Message Handlers

Let's see how to register a message handler.

package main

import (

func main() {

	// Create the server
	s, _ := server.New(server.WithListenAddr(""))

	// protos.MessageV1 represents a hypothetical message in your proto repo.
	s.Handle(&protos.MessageV1{}, message.HandlerFunc(func(sender message.Sender, msg *message.Message) {
		// We need to cast the message, from the proto interface, to the concrete message type.
		msgT := msg.Payload.(*protos.MessageV1)

		// Do whatever with your message,
		// your handling logic goes here.

		// Alternatively, reply with another message.
		payload := &protos.ReplyV1{}
		reply := message.New().
			SetHeader("status", "200")

		_, err := sender.Send(reply) // Replies to the client connection.
		// check for errors ...

Symmetrically, the same handler registering signature can be found at the client public API.

As handlers only need to accomplish the message.Handler interface, It's very common to use structs for holding handler dependencies, which need to be thread safe:

package main

import (


type Handler struct {
	DB *sql.DB

func (m *Handler) Handle(sender message.Sender, msg *message.Message) {
	//  handling logic goes there.


Middlewares are just message handlers that always get executed no matter the kind of message, alternatively providing the ability to execute the next handler in the chain. They are executed just before the matched message handler, bringing the opportunity to add preprocessing or postprocessing logic to the message handling operation. i.e metrics, logging or panic handlers. Let's see how to register a middleware:

package main

import (


func main() {
	s, _ := server.New(server.WithListenAddr(""))
	s.Middleware(func(h message.Handler) message.Handler {
		return message.HandlerFunc(func(sender message.Sender, msg *message.Message) {
			fmt.Printf("received message of kind: %q", msg.Metadata.Kind)
			h.Handle(sender, msg) // Continue with the next handler in chain.

For many of you that sounds really familiar ! Yes, Goomerang tries to preserve same aspects of the standard library. Again, the same symmetric interface can be found in the client public API.

It's important to note that any number of middlewares can be registered. The order of registration will drive the order of execution . So for example, if we had:

package main

import (

func main() {
	s, _ := server.New(server.WithListenAddr(""))

The order of execution would be:

graph LR;

This library facilitates some middleware implementations that could be used directly by library users. Let's see the example of the panic handler one:

package main

import (


func main() {
	s, _ := server.New(server.WithListenAddr(""))
	s.Middleware(middleware.Panic(func(p interface{}) {
		fmt.Printf("panic detected: %v", p)

As a rule of thumb, it's recommended to implement the panic middleware as first in the chain (so it protects the rest of handlers), in order to not crash the entire process if a panic it's raised at some point in the handler chain.


This library allows sending a message to all connected clients via the broadcast interface. This interfaces can be found in both implementations, the client and the server.

From the client side perspective, the only thing to do is to call the c.Broadcast(msg) method:

package main

import (


func main() {
	c, err := client.New(
	if err != nil {
	if err := c.Connect(context.TODO()); err != nil {
	msg := message.New().SetPayload(&protos.MessageV1{
		Message: "my message !",
	if _, err := c.Broadcast(msg); err != nil {

The above call to c.Broadcast(msg) sends a command to the server, which will send the message to all connected clients. That means the message being broadcasted needs to be properly registered in all peers.

graph LR;

From the server side perspective, it's also possible to send a message to all connected clients. This can be useful for a number of cases, like push notifications. Here's and example on how to do it from the server side:

package main

import (


func main() {
	s, _ := server.New(server.WithListenAddr(""))

	msg := message.New().SetPayload(&protos.MessageV1{
		Message: "a message for everyone !",

	_, err := s.BroadCast(context.TODO(), msg)
	if err != nil {

In contrast with client side broadcasts, server side invoked broadcasts will start the broadcasting operation immediately.

graph LR;

Publish and subscribe

Clients can send asynchronous messages among them by publishing and subscribing to topics. Currently, each topic will conform a diffusion domain, which means that any message published in a given topic will be sent to all subscribed clients, without taking place any kind of load balancing.

On the client side, all messages intended to be received by a subscription, should be properly handled.

The server must be aware of all message kinds going through the pub/sub system. See message registration for more details.

Let's check and example of the client side API:

package main

import (


func main() {
	c, err := client.New(
	if err != nil {
	if err := c.Connect(context.TODO()); err != nil {

	// Client subscribes to a topic. Now it will receive all messages
	// for that topic.
	if err := c.Subscribe("topic.a"); err != nil {

	// At any moment, any client can publish a message to a specific topic.
	msg := message.New().SetPayload(&protos.MessageV1{})
	if _, err := c.Publish("topic.a", msg); err != nil {
	// Finally, client can unsubscribe from a topic at any moment, the
	// client will stop receiving messages for that topic.
	if err := c.Unsubscribe("topic.a"); err != nil {

We can notice the Subscribe(topic string), Publish(topic string, msg *message.Message) and Unsubscribe(topic string) interfaces. This three calls will send a command to the server. After that, the server will accomplish the required operation.

From the server side API, there's also a method Publish(topic string, msg *message.Message):

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create the server
	s, _ := server.New(server.WithListenAddr(""))

	msg := message.New().SetPayload(&protos.MessageV1{
		Message: "a message for everyone !",
	// Once clients are connected, server can start sending messages
	// to specific topics.
	if err := s.Publish("topic.a", msg); err != nil {

A typical use case for server side publications , would be to consume from a queue and fan out the messages to the different topics, in which clients would be subscribed.

graph LR;

(Graph of Message flow)

The internal state of the pub/sub engine its not replicated across server replicas. That means the server can't scale horizontally, yet.

Synchronous sends

All the message sending interfaces from clients and servers, are completely asynchronous. They work as a "fire and forget" send system. That means the user of the library should design a way to ensure the message was received and processed by the server before removing it from its internal state. Unless of course, the intrinsic value of the data expires very quick and the client can afford its lost.

In response to this issue, clients on this library have a c.SyncSend(ctx, msg) method implemented. This allows clients sending messages and wait for the respective server reply.

Here is an example of its use:

package main

import (


func main() {
	c, err := client.New(client.WithServerAddr(""))
	if err != nil {
	// The client needs to be aware of the reply messages 
	// beforehand. 

	msg := message.New().SetPayload(&protos.MessageV1{})
	// Will block till reply from the server is received or
	// the context is cancelled.
	_, respProto, err := c.SendSync(context.TODO(), msg)
	if err != nil {

	if respProto.GetHeader("status") != "OK" {
		resp := respProto.Payload.(*protos.BadReplyV1)
		// Do something with the bad reply
	resp := respProto.Payload.(*protos.SuccessReplyV1)
	// Do something with the success reply

This is just a high level request/response pattern built on the top of the "fire and forget" previously commented send system. It probably can be useful some users, when the reply is crucial for completing the operation. In this cases, is good to remember that we are sharing the same pipe here, for all the messages, so this channel can get contested.

Some extra notes

Asynchronous methods just write to the TCP socket send buffer. They are only going to block the call if the other peer stops ACKing TCP packets, so the pre-negotiated TCP window size is exceeded. That way the sender knows when to stop sending messages to the other peer, until it starts performing more TCP acks again.

The following command can give us minimum, default and maximum receive buffers size in bytes in a Linux machine.

$ cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem 
4096	131072	6291456

Custom HTTP routes

Many times we want to run more HTTP handler logic in the same port of websockets. This library provides such ability, allowing users to register custom handlers at the beginning of the server setup. Here's an example of a health endpoint:

package main

import (

func main() {
	s, _ := server.New(server.WithListenAddr(""))
	// Obtain the router + normal handler registration
	s.Router().Handle("/health", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		// Do more checks
		_, _ = w.Write([]byte("ok"))

⚠ As an important note, currently the paths /ws and /wss are reserved for library use.

The exposed router is the one provided by the gorilla mux project.


Sometimes getting feedback from internal parts of the system its difficult. Specially in processing loops, where in case of errors we cannot return them to the user, and we do not want to make decisions on their place. To deal with this, in both parts (client and server) the user can register function hooks. A complete list of them can be found in the configuration options of both, client and server. Let's take a look on how to register an error hook:

package main

import (


func main() {
	s, _ := server.New(
		server.WithOnErrorHook(func(err error) {
			log.Printf("logging error: %v", err)
		server.WithOnErrorHook(func(err error) {
			// Do a second action with err.

This error hooks are very handy to log errors, so the user can use custom loggers/metrics registries. All the hooks can be registered multiple times. The logic behind will just execute the hooks in order.

Graceful shutdown

The current implementation supports a graceful shutdown as described in RFC6455. One side of the connections initiates the shutdown procedure, signaling it's not going to send more messages and waiting for the same reply from the other peer. Once all processing logic (like message handlers) end, the library just returns the control to the user. This implementation works in a best-effort way, as many things can go wrong in the middle of the process. Users of the library are encouraged to not rely on this shutdown procedure regarding data integrity.

Let's see the shutdown sequence when a client initiates the shutdown procedure:

participant C1 as Client-1
participant S as Server(c-1)
Note left of C1: Status = Running
Note left of C1: Status = Closing
C1->>S: Close signal
Note right of S: Status = Running
alt if server is responsive
S->>C1: Close signal
Note right of S: Status = Running
S->>S: Processing shutdown for c1
S->>C1: Connection close for c1
C1->>C1: Processing shutdown
alt in case server is unresponsive (no previous close signal received)
C1->>S: Connection close
Note left of C1: Status = Closed
Note right of S: Status = Running
C1->>C1: Returns to user

The server never changes its status, as the initiator of the shutdown was only one client. So only the "connection slot" and processing for that client is removed from the server.

Let's check now the sequence when the server initiates the shutdown process:

participant S as Server
participant C1 as Client-1
participant C2 as Client-2
Note left of S: Status = Running
Note left of S: Status = Closing
Note right of C1: Status = Running
S->>C1: Close signal
Note right of C1: Status = Closing
Note right of C2: Status = Running
S->>C2: Close signal
Note right of C2: Status = Closing
alt clients are responsive (some of them could timeout)
C1->>S: Close signal
C1->>C1: Processing shutdown
Note right of C1: Status = Closed

C2->>S: Close signal
C2->>C2: Processing shutdown 
Note right of C2: Status = Closed

S->>S: Processing shutdown 
Note left of S: Status = Closed
S->>S: Return to user

As we can see the process is similar, but in this case, the shutdown process its executed over all clients connections at the same time, in parallel.


Prometheus metrics

By default, this library assumes no metrics. However, it provides tools for a quick instrumentation with Prometheus metrics for both, clients and servers. Let's see an example of a metered client:

package main

import (



func main() {
	// Metrics creation, with the default config.
	m := metrics.NewClientMetrics(metrics.DefaultClientConfig())

	// Register the metrics in Prometheus registry. This time, the global one.

	// Use the same options as in a normal client constructor.
	c, err := client.NewMetered(m,
		// ...
	if err != nil {
	// ...

Note in the above example, the client.NewMetered(...) accepts as second argument the same type of options exposed in the basic example.

As commented in the middleware section, the user also has access to all low level observability middlewares in the middleware package. Its encouraged for users to take a look there in case further customization its needed.

The same, symmetric interface can be found in the server public API.

Grafana dashboard


This library provides an out-of-the-box Grafana dashboard which should cover the basic usage. Users of the library are encouraged to adapt it at discretion.


Contributions are welcome ! If you think something could be improved, request a new feature or just want to leave some feedback, please check our contributing guide.


A small communications library based on protocol buffers over websockets

License:MIT License


Language:Go 98.8%Language:Makefile 1.2%