elo80ka / django-dynamic-formset

A jQuery plugin that allows you dynamically add new forms to a rendered django formset.

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Drag and drop ordering of formset

joewandy opened this issue · comments

Following https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1053/, I manage to add an additional field that allows the user to reorder rows in the formset

But I wonder if anyone has managed to add a Jquery drag and drop functionality to reorder the formset rows? It would be useful.

I'm doing it right now. With Jquery-ui sortable.
Just doing by a ordering field and that's it. It's quite simple in fact

Any chance you could share the code? Thanks!

Don't know if it will help you:
Of course you've to adapt it to fit your structure

    function initSorting(){
			items: ".inline",
			axis: "y",
			stop: function(event, ui){
				var $current_sort = ui.item.find('.entry-order-field'),
					current_val = $current_sort.val(),
					$next_sort = ui.item.prev().find('.entry-order-field');
				if (!$next_sort.length > 0){
					$next_sort = ui.item.next().find('.entry-order-field');
				var next_val = $next_sort.val();

Couldn't get pythdasch to accomplish anything useful (not sure exactly what it's supposed to achieve, since it only manipulates the next and/or the previous row, not all of them), but here's the simple approach I went with (using a table-inline formset):

$('.images tbody').sortable({
  axis: 'y',
  placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight',
  forcePlaceholderSize: 'true',
  items: '> tr:not(.hidden)'

$('form').submit(function() {
  $('.images tbody').find('tr:visible').each(function(index) {
    // This should target the order field within the row

It initializes the sortable stuff, and then makes sure the order field is set before the form is submitted. Very simple, and works flawlessly.