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Add a DateTime package?

fredcy opened this issue · comments

There has been discussion on elmlang.slack.com about putting a DateTime package on elm-community. That makes sense to me and I hope that would be a stepping stone to getting solid DateTime functionality into packages.elm-lang. Thinking of my Python experience with custom web apps, the datetime packages are essential and among my most-used.

So, does this make sense and, if so, what is the next step?

Hmm, this would be the first time the community would be writing a package from scratch, rather than maintaining one. The only time-related package out there is mine, for date and time formatting. If it could be expanded into something larger, I'm okay with the community taking it over. (If you just want to fix a bug or add more formatters, send a PR.)

Exactly what sort of date and time functionality do you have in mind? Maybe we should wrap moment.js?

I started the conversation from looking into reimplementing Moment in Elm since there seems to be some demand, and it became apparent pretty quickly that doing so would amount to building a new DateTime package entirely. I was going to start on my own but figured a community driven effort would be more thorough and result in higher quality.

Hey folks, any thoughts on what we should plan to do? I have some time the next couple of days that I was hoping to spend on this. I can start things off in my own repo and add folks as they express interest and we can move it over here later if we're not ready to begin a project in elm-community. I figure there probably needs to be some amount of discussion about what it would look like to start a project, around licensing and all that. I know it's a busy time right now so I'll hold off on doing anything until I hear back 😄 thanks!

Why don't you go ahead and try to write the package on your own? At the very least you can report back with what didn't work. You can also try to come up with a desired list of features, or an API even if it's unimplemented.

Sweet! Thanks @mgold for the quick response. I've got a nice 12-hour car ride to build things out tomorrow so I'll report back this weekend with some results. Would either you or @fredcy like to be added to the repo?

this can probably be closed, https://github.com/rluiten/elm-date-extra takes care of all of this

It does look like elm-date-extra has this covered, so I'm closing this.