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Porting to 0.18

eeue56 opened this issue · comments

Repo Description Maintainer github Maintainer email is ported
builtwithelm A list of projects and apps built with Elm. lukewestby opensource@lukewestby.com [ ]
elm-webgl Functional 3D Rendering with WebGL in Elm Unmaintained [ x ]
list-extra Convenience functions for working with List abadi199 abadi.kurniawan@gmail.com [ x ]
elm-compiler-docs Repo where to write down documentation and guides for the elm-compiler mgold maxgoldstein1@gmail.com [ ]
json-extra Convenience functions for working with Json lukewestby opensource@lukewestby.com [x]
Manifesto Meta-repository for organizational stuff Unmaintained [ ]
array-extra Convenience functions for working with Array jonboiser jonboiser@outlook.com [ ]
maybe-extra Convenience functions for working with Maybe abadi199 abadi.kurniawan@gmail.com [ x ]
result-extra Convenience functions for working with Result abadi199 abadi.kurniawan@gmail.com [ x ]
elm-material-icons Material Icons in Elm mgold maxgoldstein1@gmail.com [ ]
elm-faq FAQ about the Elm language fredcy fredcy@gmail.com [ na?]
html-extra Additional functions for working with Html Unmaintained [x]
elm-for-js Community driven Elm guide for JS people Unmaintained [ ]
elm-linear-algebra Enough linear algebra to support elm-webgl fredcy fredcy@gmail.com [ XX ]
undo-redo Easy undo in Elm rohanorton rohan.orton@gmail.com [ ]
list-split Split lists into chunks jonboiser jonboiser@outlook.com [ ]
elm-lang.org The full source for http://elm-lang.org/, the home-page of the Elm programming language. Open sourced as a way to teach people how to write and serve Elm code. Follow the instructions in README.md to get the site setup on your own machine. Unmaintained [ ]
elm-community.github.io Elm Community organization pages Unmaintained [ ]
dict-extra A library with extra functions for the dictionary type in elm core Skinney robin.heggelund@icloud.com [ x ]
lazy-list Lazy list implementation in Elm mgold maxgoldstein1@gmail.com [ x ]
random-extra Extra functions for Random mgold maxgoldstein1@gmail.com [ x ]
shrink Shrink a value to a simpler one mgold maxgoldstein1@gmail.com [ x ]
elm-test A unit testing framework for Elm rtfeldman richard.t.feldman@gmail.com [ x ]
elm-check Property-based testing mgold maxgoldstein1@gmail.com [ x ]
basics-extra Additional basic functions jvoigtlaender janis.voigtlaender@gmail.com [ x ]
easing-functions Easing (animation and timing) library for Elm Dandandan danielheres@gmail.com [ ]
svg-extra Additional functions for working with Svg jvoigtlaender janis.voigtlaender@gmail.com [x]
intdict Optimized dictionary specialization for Integers. Mirrors the dictionary API. sgraf812 sgraf1337@gmail.com [ x ]
graph Functional Graph Library in Elm sgraf812 sgraf1337@gmail.com [ ]
string-extra String helper functions for Elm lorenzo & jaapz jose.zap@gmail.com & jaapz.b@gmail.com [ x ]

cc @elm-community/maintainers please update your packages to 0.18 and publish them against the beta site. For now, we can consider our repos frozen until 0.18 is released.

Is there a list of breaking changes somewhere? Is there a HEAD version of the compiler or do I have to compile it myself?

Do we have a plan for how to go about the two packages currently marked "Unmaintained"?

I may try to have a go at updating html-extra, but we shouldn't duplicate work.

Have updated https://github.com/elm-community/html-extra to 0.18, and also taken the opportunity to add Html.Attributes.Extra.static.


not sure about elm-webgl. It's not a thing used in production so I don't consider it top priority. Maybe wait til someone requests it?

@elm-community/maintainers please comment when you have updated packages so i can tick them off 👍 thanks in advance!

I'm waiting for elm-test to be available. Not updating until I can get working unit tests.

@mgold is looking into a regression on Random.Pcg, and the elm-test upgrade is blocked on that. Stay tuned!

json-extra is good

I have updated the elm-linear-algebra package and published it to the beta server. No code changes were required, only elm-package.json changes.

Its tests do not build yet. I'll update those when elm-test is available.

Edit: The tests are now running again. I just published patch version 2.0.5. This package is all ready for 0.18.

I have fixed the randomness issue that blocked elm-test, so that should be up soon.

Whenever elm-test is working on 0.18 we can make sure string-extras is too

elm-test is now 👍

I was a little eager on elm package publish. Is there a way to undo that? Otherwise I can just wait until 0.18 is released...


@sgraf812 what do you mean by that?

I published v2.0.0 on the temporary package registry without really having run/compiled the tests (yeah, I know...), so I just fixed up the test suite. I force pushed the v2.0.0 tag to the new commit and would like to have a way to update the registry now.

No problem if that's not possible, the actual library code didn't change anyway. Also I think that since the GitHub repo points to the right commit, it will actually download the right thing.


That's okay, we'll need to re-publish on the live server anyway (so you can just force-push the tags for now)

elm-community/dict-extra is updated.

https://github.com/elm-community/string-extra is updated but I'm getting an error when trying to publish to the beta site.

Verifying elm-community/string-extra 2.0.0 ...
Error: The following HTTP request failed.

That library and version is not registered.

elm-community/intdict is updated.

@mgold https://github.com/rtfeldman/legacy-elm-test still uses elm-community/elm-check, and I'd like to release an 0.18 update for that.

I think it'd be reasonable to deprecate it for 0.19 and say "the time has come to migrate" but I think now would be too soon.

@rtfeldman, I had a busy weekend, but I've just updated random-extra and elm-check.

I should probably stop maintaining elm-material-icons.

Thanks @mgold! rtfeldman/legacy-elm-test is now published for 0.18.

list-split and array-extra have been updated


@elm-community/maintainers Thanks to everyone who updated! Now it's time to re-publish against the actual package site. Let me know of any problems ASAP and I can loop evan in

Looks like json-extra is already republished. Thanks to whoever pushed it up!

I've republished elm-check to that @rtfeldman can republish the legacy elm-check package. I think everything else I maintain has already been taken care of?

Upgraded - thanks @mgold!

@eeue56 please mark webgl as ported!