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elm-webgl and elm-linear-algebra

rgrempel opened this issue · comments

A couple of additional packages are possibly orphans as far as updating to Elm 0.16 goes:


This is just a reminder to me to check in later to see what the status of this is.

Let's do it. I submitted a PR 17 days ago to update elm-linear-algebra to 0.16 and there has been no response.

I've just sent @johnpmayer an email, asking how he wants to proceed. It really would be easier if we don't have to convince Evan to change the whitelist, so let's see if I get a reply to the email.

Well, I haven't got any response, so I guess we'd best go down this road.

So, I've cloned elm-webgl and elm-linearalgebra, and given @fredcy and @nphollon collaborator status on them -- that should give you the rights to commit changes, merge pull requests etc. If you could figure out between the two of you what needs to be done, that would be great.

I should say that it's not inevitable that Evan will want to change the native whitelist for this -- in one sense it is an exceptional situation, because people had been relying on these packages in Elm 0.15 -- so he might be willing (as with elm-history) to whitelist this. However, he might not, since there are a variety of considerations about native code and the package system which he is keeping in mind. In any event, it probably makes sense to do the work first, and then prepare a pull request explaining the situation for the whitelist.

Note that I'll be away for a week (without the Internet, on a sunny beach, I'm afraid). But I've arbitrarily created a few more "owners", so someone may be able to help if any owner-like actions are needed.

I submitted elm-community/elm-linear-algebra#1 to update elm-linear-algebra to run on elm 0.16.

@nphollon, per suggestion from @rgrempel I am not merging my own PR. Would you please look at it and either merge it or comment about what you would rather do.

P.S. We don't have issue tracking enabled for elm-linear-algebra. I think we should.

Nevermind, @mgold is quick.

Yeah, no reason not to have our fork up to date, but it doesn't much matter until either the native whitelist gets updated or John merges his PR.

Alternatively, could we write a script to clone our repo and pretend it was John's?

Agree with @fredcy about having issue tracking enabled for both repos.

@mgold I am not quite clear what kind of script you're thinking about, but I don't think it's possible to impersonate a different repo (for instance by changing elm-package.json). elm package publish checks for the correctly tagged version on github before publishing anything.

Thanks everybody for being on top of this... I've been busy lately with holiday travel.

My idea was to bypass elm-package, just a shell script to download the elm-community repo into elm-stuff. I don't think that any enforcement of who's allowed to use native modules is done once the packages are installed.

Ah, that makes much more sense. Sounds like it might be worthwhile, considering all work on elm-webgl is blocked without a 0.17-compatible version of elm-linear-algebra.

Should we go ahead and open a native review for elm-community/elm-linear-algebra?

Yes, I'd say: Open native review requests for elm-community/elm-linear-algebra and elm-community/elm-linear-algebra if/when they are updated to 0.16. There is reasonable hope that they might get fast-tracked for whitelisting, given Evan's recognition that they are kind of "urgently" needed, in this comment of his.

One more concern... elm package publish will want us to restart at 1.0.0. In order to do this, we'll need to trash the existing version tags, which AFAIK is possible but frowned-upon. What's the least stupid way of doing this?

Having forked a repo before, just go ahead and trash the old tags. They're local to the fork so it's not catastrophic. Not pleasant, but it's what needs to happen.

You'll also need to reset the version in elm-package.json to 1.0.0. elm package bump will do this automatically now that the repo owner has been updated.

Also I enabled issues in the repo, so we can continue discussing over there if needed.

@mgold Could you please enable issue tracking for elm-webgl as well? Thanks

Thanks for taking care of this.

Happy Holidays!

Is there anything I can do to unblock this? At this point, I can't be the maintainer for a library with more than one user 😏

Would updating the README on my repositories to point to the elm-community forks be best?

If you could put a note in the READMEs, that would be really helpful. Thanks! Sorry you won't be able to keep maintaining

Our big blocker right now is the native review...

@johnpmayer Would it be okay if you added someone, probably @nphollon, as a collaborator on your native-approved repo? That way we could handle updates and README notices ourselves.