elm-community / graph

Functional Graph Library in Elm.

Home Page:http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm-community/graph/latest

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stronglyConnectedComponents description

mcapodici opened this issue · comments

The description of stronglyConnectedComponents is a bit confusing to me. Maybe it is confusing to others, so here is my suggestion.

You say in the description:

Ok acyclic means that the graph was acyclic (so every node in the graph forms a single connected component).

Would it be less ambiguous to say "Ok acyclic means that the graph was acyclic. Therefore every node in the graph forms it's own single connected component. Rather than return a list of components that are just individual nodes, this just returns the whole graph as an ACyclicGraph"

P.S. I'd kind of prefer this to always return List (Graph n e) - but that's just my taste.