elm-community / elm-webpack-starter

Boilerplate for developing Elm apps on Webpack

Home Page:http://elm-community.org/elm-webpack-starter/

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Not reloading when modifying Components.Hello

jscriptcoder opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

I'm just toying around with this kit starter, by the way, great job... but I noticed that when I modify the component Hello.elm, the app doesn't reload. It does so when I modify Main.elm though. I followed the installation, and I get the app running, but it doesn't seem to reload with changes in subfolders. Could it be an issue in elm-hot-loader?


@moarwick May be related to rtfeldman/node-elm-compiler#36 - which is now fixed. 😄

@rtfeldman Thanks! Btw, any interest in "taking over" this repo? I feel super unqualified continuing on since I don't actually write any Elm.. I was hoping to allocate some time to learning it but it's been a ~year now :(

Hi @moarwick - If it's helpful I would be happy to either maintain this repo or help you maintain it? Recently I started a similar one aimed at using elm-css instead of sass - elm-webpack-seed

Just pushed an update, and verified hot-reloading to be working. Some other changes went in a well -- see README.

@benansell: Cool. Do you know both Webpack and Elm pretty well, keeping up? I'm happy to get PRs for improvements then we can talk hand-over; not sure what the best way would be..

Mostly I just muddle my way through ;) - I have added a watch to the repo and will have a look at any issues that come in to see if I can help or feel free to add a mention to me on any you want me to pick up.

Just wanted to thank you guys for taking care of this issue :-)

Hey, I still have the problem, can somebody confirm that? @moarwick maybe?