elm-community / SublimeElmLanguageSupport

Elm language syntax highlighting and tool integration for ST2/3.

Home Page:https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Elm%20Language%20Support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Elm 0.19 version flashes console window on Windows

ianmackenzie opened this issue · comments

On Windows 10, every time I use Ctrl-B to build an Elm file I get a Windows console window that flashes over Sublime Text - certainly not a blocker, but a bit annoying!

Ooh, I wonder what could be causing this! I assume you've used the package with 0.18 previously and not had this problem?

I have! Elm 0.18 does not have the issue. It occurs to me that it could very well be an issue with the elm.exe executable itself - I can try to do some testing there.

@ianmackenzie Any luck diagnosing this further? This is the only known issue with the current beta, and I'm going to have to set up a Windows virtual machine to troubleshoot it.

I confess I haven't looked at it - thanks for the reminder! I'm in the middle of a move right now but should be able to take a look later this week or this weekend.