ellisonleao / gruvbox.nvim

Lua port of the most famous vim colorscheme

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`rustCommentLineDoc` doesn't work

dmyTRUEk opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Changing rustCommentLineDoc doesn't change rust doc comments color.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set rustCommentLineDoc = { link = 'GruvboxOrange' } in config, like this:
require('gruvbox').setup {
  overrides = {
    rustCommentLineDoc = { link = 'GruvboxOrange' },
  1. Open any rust file with doc comments.
  2. Doc comment's color is gray, not GruvboxOrange, as was expected.

Expected behavior
Doc comments in rust to be GruvboxOrange color.



Additional context
Neovim v0.9.0
ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim version: e685aeb

@dmyTRUEk can you verify if the semantic highlight group (@lsp.*) is being applied by calling :Inspect with the cursor over the comment string please?

Output of the :Inspect command on both file header and doc comment:

  - @comment.rust links to Comment rust
  - @spell.rust links to @spell rust
  - @comment.documentation.rust links to Comment rust

Semantic Tokens
  - @lsp.type.comment.rust links to Comment priority: 125
  - @lsp.mod.documentation.rust links to @lsp priority: 126
  - @lsp.typemod.comment.documentation.rust links to @lsp priority: 127

and on the (simple, plain) comment:

  - @comment.rust links to Comment rust
  - @spell.rust links to @spell rust

Semantic Tokens
  - @lsp.type.comment.rust links to Comment priority: 125

So as I understand semantic highlight group (@lsp.*) is applied on all three comment types.

Have you tried setting:

require('gruvbox').setup {
  overrides = {
    ['@comment.rust'] = { link = 'GruvboxOrange' },
    ['@lsp.type.comment.rust'] = { link = 'GruvboxOrange' },

I tried

require('gruvbox').setup {
  overrides = {
    ['@comment.rust'] = { link = 'GruvboxYellow' },
    ['@lsp.type.comment.rust'] = { link = 'GruvboxOrange' },

(set different colors to differentiate them) but with this configuration:

  1. at first few seconds (while rust-analyzer (rust's language server) is loading):
    • doc comments - gray
    • simple comments - GruvboxYellow
  2. and after few seconds (when rust-analyzer is loaded):
    • doc comments - GruvboxOrange (as desired)
    • simple comments - GruvboxOrange (not as desired)

After some tweaking i found that this works as desired:

require('gruvbox').setup {
  overrides = {
    ['@lsp.type.comment.rust'] = { link = 'GruvboxYellow' },
    ['@lsp.typemod.comment.documentation.rust'] = { link = 'GruvboxOrange' },

With this configuration:

  1. at first few seconds (while rust-analyzer is loading):
    • doc comments - gray
    • simple comments - gray
  2. and after few seconds (when rust-analyzer is loaded):
    • doc comments - GruvboxOrange (as desired)
    • simple comments - GruvboxYellow (as desired)

So then rustCommentLineDoc is broken (because it doesn't change doc comments color), right?

@dmyTRUEk yep, looks like that highlight group won't be used on treesitter+semantic highlights environments. We can probably remove it