Ellipsion / NFL-Scraper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NFL Team Stats Scraper

This Python project is a scraper designed to extract team statistics from the NFL website (https://www.nfl.com/). It runs weekly to scrape the latest team stats and saves them into an Excel file. The scraper provides a convenient way to automate the process of gathering NFL team data for analysis or other purposes.


  • Scrapes team statistics from the NFL website
  • Runs weekly to fetch the latest data
  • Saves the scraped data into an Excel file corresponds to weekly stats
  • Customizable data fields to extract specific team stats
  • Easy-to-use and efficient scraping process

Tech Stack

  • Python
  • Beautiful Soup (HTML parsing library)
  • Utilizes python's Data structures (Lists and Dictionaries)
  • openpyxl (Excel file manipulation library)


  1. Configure the scraper
  2. Run the scraper.py script to initiate the scraping process.
  3. The script will scrape the team stats from the NFL website and save them into an Excel file based on the specified fields.
  4. The Excel file will be generated in the project directory with the current date as the file name.


This project is created for educational and demonstration purposes. Ensure that you comply with the terms and conditions of the NFL website and respect their data usage policy while using this scraper.



Language:Python 100.0%