elkowar / eww

ElKowars wacky widgets

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[BUG] Calendar auto returns to current date when changing month or year

NicolasMonta1807 opened this issue · comments

Checklist before submitting an issue

  • I have searched through the existing closed and open issues for eww and made sure this is not a duplicate
  • I have specifically verified that this bug is not a common user error
  • I am providing as much relevant information as I am able to in this bug report (Minimal config to reproduce the issue for example, if applicable)

Description of the bug

When displaying eww calendar (cal) widget, it displays correctly but when clicking on next/previous month or year, it returns to display current date after a second.

2024-04-25 10-32-09

Reproducing the issue

  • Toggle calendar widget
  • Click on next or previous month
  • Click on next or previous year

Expected behaviour

  • Stay on selected month or year without

Additional context

My current widget configuration

(defwidget divider []
  (box :class "divider"
       :orientation "v"
       :space-evenly true)

(defwidget time []
  (box :class "timebox" :orientation "v" :space-evenly false
    (box :class "time-container" :orientation "h" :space-evenly false :halign "center" :valign "center"
      (label :class "content" :text "${formattime(EWW_TIME, "%H")}")
      (label :class "content" :text "${formattime(EWW_TIME, "%M")}"))

    (box :class "date-container" :orientation "h" :space-evenly true :halign "center"
      (label :text "${formattime(EWW_TIME, "%A, %d %B")}"))

(defwidget cal []
  (box :class "cal-box"
       :orientation "v"
       :space-evenly false
    (calendar :class "cal"
              :day {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%d")}
              :month {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%m")}
              :year {formattime(EWW_TIME, "%Y")}

(defwidget date []
  (box :class "date"
       :orientation "v"
       :space-evenly false

(defwindow date
  :geometry (geometry :x "0%" :y "8%" :anchor "top center")
  :wm-ignore true