elixir-plug / plug_cowboy

Plug adapter for the Cowboy web server

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Update cowboy_telemetry requirement to v0.4.0

googol opened this issue · comments

I'm currently trying to use the latest opentelemetry_phoenix, which depends on telemetry ~> 1.0 via opentelemetry_telemetry ~> 1.0.

plug_cowboy is currently my blocker, since it depends on cowboy_telemetry ~> 0.3. cowboy_telemetry version 0.4.0 added support for telemetry ~> 1.0

We depend on cowboy_telemetry ~> 0.3, which means it accepts 0.4 as long as you call mix deps.update.

Oh yeah that's true, tried it out in iex with Version.match

Sorry this was a bit of a nooby thing, I had to specify the new version cowboy_telemetry in my mix.exs to get the dependencies updated