elixir-ecto / db_connection

Database connection behaviour

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System.stacktrace deprecation warnings

altdsoy opened this issue · comments

Hello all,

With elixir 1.11 i'm getting a lot of warnings when compiling this package.
When I look into the mix.exs file for the Elixir version supported it appears it's from 1.7 onwards.
According to this https://elixir-lang.org/blog/2018/07/25/elixir-v1-7-0-released/ , __STACKTRACE__ was introduced in 1.7..

So isn't there an opportunity to replace all the System.stacktrace() with the new __STACKTRACE__ syntax?
I can do it right now if you want..

However I might missed something else so I didn't want to pollute with a PR without having a confirmation about the reason System.stacktrace/0 is still used..


It has already been fixed, I just need to do a new release. I will do so tomorrow. :)

You rock José!

Don't know how you're able to find so much time responding almost instantly and in so many fronts (I mean how many libraries/repos are you maintaining?)!
It really gives me a good feeling programming with Elixir because of you guys!

Really keep up the good work!!

i hope I'll be able to give back at one moment..

Released! <3