eliemichel / MapsModelsImporter-samples

Sample file to check MapsModelsImporter installation

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wont import sample files

MHDES opened this issue · comments


I have tried v3.5 which didnt work, I also tried switching on the Debug and couldnt find anything on my system named "toggle System Console".
So then I tried v3.4, same initial error immediately pops up and again even after turning on debug nothing seems to happen.

I have tried this importing a file I created with RenderDoc, and with sample file Funkhaus and bridge-RD as well

I am using Blender 2.9, but I also tried it on an older verion I have 2.8 and that didnt work either?!
Any help much appreciated


oh - this is the error:
Invalid RDC capture file. Please make sure that:

  1. You are using the recommended RenderDoc Version for this AddOn
    • RenderDoc Version 1.5 - 1.9 for MapsModelsImporter <= 0.3.2
    • RenderDoc Version >= 1.10 for MapsModelsImporter >= 0.3.3
  2. You are importing from Google Maps or Google Earth web
  3. You were MOVING in the 3D view while taking the capture (you can use the "Capture after delay"-button in RenderDoc).

Before opening a new Issue on GitHub please download a working sample file to check if this works on your Computer.
Please be patient. If there's no error message it might still be loading.
It can take a minute or two to load it and Blender will get unresponsive during this time.
Find sample files here: https://github.com/eliemichel/MapsModelsImporter-samples

If it works with a sample file you most probably shouldn't open a new issue on GitHub but figure out how to use RenderDoc.
Find instructions about using RenderDoc by searching YouTube for "Capturing Google Maps with RenderDoc"

If the sample file doesn't work:
Please report to MapsModelsImporter developers providing the full console log with debug information.
First turn on debug output by activating the "Debug Info"-checkbox under Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > MapsModelsImporter
On Windows systems console log is accessible in Windows > Toggle System Console (right click to copy).
On Linux systems you have to run Blender from the console to get the debug output

Use a capture made with RenderDoc v1.10, the last version of this add-on (v0.3.5) and the last version of Blender (2.91). Even though other combinations can work this is the recommended. Once you've made sure you're using these versions, please also report which rdc file you were trying to import exactly and any error message occurring before what you've reported here!
The system console is accessible through the "Window" menu of Blender on Windows.

(also, sorry for the delay, this issue got lost in my notifications)


In between the OP and the reply above i tried different combos
and found by using 3.4 and 2.91 blender and I managed to import renderdoc 1.6 captures, sometimes.
my question is, if i switch to 3.5 and v1.10 will it be an improvement?
and can i have 3.4 and 3.5 as addon for blender? or will i have to get rid of 3.4, (im worried to get rid of something that works, even if sporadically).
similarly do u know if i can have both renderdoc 1.6 and v1.10 on my machine?


You can have different versions of RenderDoc at the same time (especially if getting the Portable versions on the download page), but you cannot have multiple versions of the same add-on installed. A hack can be to change the name of the addon in __init__.py (unzip, edit, rezip) so that Blender thinks it is two different addons. Or you can simply keep the zips somewhere and uninstall/reinstall the correct version of the addon when you need so.

There is no drastic feature gain in switching to 3.5 + RD1.10 but it is recommended to use latest versions as I am not going to fix potential issues on older ones.


I tried to import the sample bridge with the recommended versions (Blender2.91, RenderDoc 1.10, mapsmodelsimporter 3.5) but getting the following error:

google_maps_rd failed and returned:
Loading capture from F:\Customscenery\Bilder\bridge-RD_1.10.rdc...
Couldn't open file: ReplayStatus.FileCorrupted
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Uwe\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\MapsModelsImporter\google_maps_rd.py", line 290, in
File "C:\Users\Uwe\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\MapsModelsImporter\google_maps_rd.py", line 282, in main
File "C:\Users\Uwe\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.91\scripts\addons\MapsModelsImporter\google_maps_rd.py", line 207, in run
drawcalls = controller.GetDrawcalls()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetDrawcalls'

Other samples like the Funkturm or the Alhambra model results in the same error.

Also trying quite times to import sample rdc's files with reccomended Blender / importmaps version and allways errors like:
Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\administrador\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\MapsModelsImporter\operators.py", line 54, in execute
importCapture(context, self.filepath, self.max_blocks, pref)
File "C:\Users\administrador\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\MapsModelsImporter\google_maps.py", line 306, in importCapture
captureToFiles(context, filepath, prefix, max_blocks)
File "C:\Users\administrador\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.93\scripts\addons\MapsModelsImporter\google_maps.py", line 78, in captureToFiles
out = subprocess.check_output([python, SCRIPT_PATH, filepath, prefix, str(max_blocks)], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.93\2.93\python\lib\subprocess.py", line 424, in check_output
return run(*popenargs, stdout=PIPE, timeout=timeout, check=True,
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.93\2.93\python\lib\subprocess.py", line 505, in run
with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as process:
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.93\2.93\python\lib\subprocess.py", line 951, in init
self._execute_child(args, executable, preexec_fn, close_fds,
File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 2.93\2.93\python\lib\subprocess.py", line 1420, in _execute_child
hp, ht, pid, tid = _winapi.CreateProcess(executable, args,
OSError: [WinError 87] El parámetro no es correcto

location: :-1

Maybe just restarting after the installation, then I don't know, the problem does not occur in my code, it occurs in Python's subprocess module, in the way it creates a new process.