eliemichel / LilySurfaceScraper

Import shaders end environments in Blender from a single URL

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macOS install failure

strikerich opened this issue · comments


I found two issues with the example file path on the install page which are minor, but after fixing those, I still had an install failure. I hope you can fix this as this looks like a valuable add-on, and definitely worth paying for.

  1. the current path in macOS includes the letter "s" at the end of "Content" which is shown twice in your example.
  2. the version of python is missing in your example, and will need to direct users to add the current version - 3.10 in my case.
    the correct path should be: /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/3.4/python/bin/python3.10 -m pip install lxml -t /Applications/Blender.app/Contents/Resources/3.4/scripts/modules

But the install still failed with the following messages:
1 error generated.
Compile failed: command '/usr/bin/gcc' failed with exit code 1
creating var
creating var/folders
creating var/folders/w_
creating var/folders/w_/nh7k1w7j6kd84k__mzz5fn740000gr
creating var/folders/w_/nh7k1w7j6kd84k__mzz5fn740000gr/T
cc -I/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/include -I/usr/include/libxml2 -c /var/folders/w_/nh7k1w7j6kd84k__mzz5fn740000gr/T/xmlXPathInit71fwj810.c -o var/folders/w_/nh7k1w7j6kd84k__mzz5fn740000gr/T/xmlXPathInit71fwj810.o
cc var/folders/w_/nh7k1w7j6kd84k__mzz5fn740000gr/T/xmlXPathInit71fwj810.o -L/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk/usr/lib -lxml2 -o a.out
error: command '/usr/bin/gcc' failed with exit code 1
[end of output]

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: legacy-install-failure

× Encountered error while trying to install package.
╰─> lxml

note: This is an issue with the package mentioned above, not pip.
hint: See above for output from the failure.

thanks again for your work... and I'll gladly donate / pay when this works.