eliemichel / LilySurfaceScraper

Import shaders end environments in Blender from a single URL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Addon Updater

BlenderDefender opened this issue · comments

Hey @eliemichel,
I've been using this addon for quite a while now, and I must say, updating it is causing me trouble
because I have to keep more than 75 addons up to date. Therefore, it would be great, if you could Implement an Updater, e.g. the one by CG Cookie.

Blender Defender

Hi @BlenderDefender I did not know this updater I'll have a look at it thanks!

@eliemichel Well, before you implement that updater (which is really easy to do), I just wanted to mention that I'm working on creating my own updater right now. I'm testing it with repositories on this account, and the advantage over the CG Cookie Updater would be three things:

  1. Code-free = Risk-free. This updater wouldn't add any code to your addon, so there's no risk of breaking your addon because of issues with the updater.
  2. Central. The main goal of this new updater is to work from one single place. With a push of a button, it can check all addons for updates.
  3. Cross Platform. The CG Cookie updater only works for GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. My goal is to make it work on any website.
    The implementation is done via a publicly available JSON file (endpoint.json) and a link to it placed in the bl_info. Example Implementation: https://github.com/BD-Review/test-works

I have to say though, this addon is only in its early Alpha stage (So things may change) and there's no estimated time of arrival, but I wanted to mention that before you go and implement something that you'll remove again in a few months because I (or someone else) open another issue because of this new updater.

Closing because Super Addon Manager is discontinued, since there is native support for automatic updates in Blender 4.2