eliemichel / LilySurfaceScraper

Import shaders end environments in Blender from a single URL

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Cannot install Lily 1.60 on Blender 2.91 - Mac

chrisdesignart opened this issue · comments

Start with a clear and concise description of what the bug is, then provide:

  • URL of the material or world that failed to import (and variant, if applicable): https://...
  • Version of LilySurfaceScrapper: x.x.x (MUST be the last one! See https://github.com/eliemichel/LilySurfaceScrapper/releases/latest to check)
  • Version of Blender: x.xx
  • Operating System: Windows/OSX/linux with as much details as possible
  • If relevant, add some screenshot

On trying to install the add-on via Preferences>>Add-ons>>Install the install appears to work normally but on clicking the enable box I get the following error...
The pertinent line appears to be...
ImportError: cannot import name ‘etree’ from ‘lxml’ (/Users/chris/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.91/scripts/addons/LilySurfaceScrapper/site-packages/lxml/init.py)
Lily Surface Scraper version 1.60
Blender version 2.91 - Mac
Operating System macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Processors 2 x 3.46Ghz 6-core Intel Xeon
96Gb RAM 1333Mhz DDR3
Graphics card GeForce GTX 980Ti
Thanks... Chris

On further investigation I realised that the ImportError had LilySurfaceScrapper in it's path whereas the folder in the.../scripts/addons was called LilySurfaceScraper without the double 'pp'.
I renamed the folder accordingly and on clicking the enable box the install went further but hung up with a FileNotFound error for the init.py file which was looking for a path with the double 'pp' in it's name.
As a simple work around I duplicated the entire LilySurfaceScraper addon folder and renamed it with the double 'pp'. So I have two complete folders, one named LilySurfaceScraper and one named LilySurfaceScrapper.
Tha add-on now installs completely. (I haven't yet tested it in action but it looks promising)

So it seems there must be an error in the install code relating the the use of the double 'pp'

The add on seems to be working OK since my fiddle with the duplicate add-on script folder.
The only issues I'm seeing are...
I have two add-ons listed in the prefs >>add-ons list... one of which is not enabled. (which might be expected and causes no apparent problems)
The clipboard route to open a texture/hdri doesn't work on the Mac for some reason. I can use the 'import world' route and paste the url fom the clipboard manually, however, so it is no major issue.

@chrisdesignart if you removed one of the extensions, it may take a restart of blender before it's removed from the pref pane

Hi Chris, thanks for this feedback.
I tried to track down all the uses of "scrapper" eventually (hard to fix a typo once it got everywhere in the code...) but I though I had it done in the end. Could you let me know what directory exactly was named with two ps?
Did you download the add-on using the release page (advised) or using the Download as zip button?

Hello, same problem on Windows 10.
have a good day :)

Seems to be an issue when running experimental at the moment. Stable version 2.92 installs for me when I ran into this issue.

Also had this issue - in version 2.93.0 alpha. Win 10. It looks like binary builds in lxml library fails (which included into this addon). For me fastest solution was to replace proper build of lxml library in LilySurfaceScraper addon. Other builds for different OS you can find here https://pypi.org/project/lxml/#files. So simple steps helped me to solve this issue:

  1. download lxml-4.6.2-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (for macosx probably lxml-4.6.2-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl can help)
  2. whl it's just archive, so just extract files and then replace lxml folder into ....LilySurfaceScrapper/site-packages/lxml

Nighlty versions of Blender started to switch on a different version of Python so we'll have to update the binaries when this gets stable indeed.