eliben / luz-cpu

Educational open-source CPU suite (with assembler, linker and simulator)

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Windows Batch examples ?

gh-jmg opened this issue · comments

This looks interesting - I've installed this and have partial success

set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;C:\PythonTests\luz-cpu-master\luz_asm_sim
cd tests_full
C:>"C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe" C:\PythonTests\luz-cpu-master\luz_asm_sim\tests_full\run_full_tests.py
REM Test .\exception_simple...OK
REM Test .\link_files...OK
REM Test .\loop_simple...OK
REM Test .\loop_simple_debugqueue...OK
REM Test .\prime_sieve...OK
REM Test .\procedure_call_stack_convention...OK
REM Test .\single_file_simple...OK
REM Test .\stack_manip...OK
REM ------------------------------------------------------
REM Elapsed: 0.240s
is I guess that is a pass, but I cannot see any created output files, and when I try manual ASM
(via luz_asm.py ) on
libcode.lasm etc, they fail with linker symbol errors, like
lib.asmlib.linker.LinkerError: Failed import of symbol 'mydata1' at object [0x2a7afd0L]

So it is looking quite close to working ?

Can you give an example that batch builds (eg) .\link_files, and expected created output files ?

I'm looking around for tools that could be easily ported to a new processor, about to be released
Opcode info is here :

You should be able to pick up how to run it from the tests_full dir. For example, https://github.com/eliben/luz-cpu/blob/master/luz_asm_sim/tests_full/loop_simple/loop.lasm should link. See run_full_tests.py to see the exact invocations