elementary / wingpanel-indicator-keyboard

Wingpanel Keyboard Indicator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NumLock indicator : empty label

andirsun opened this issue · comments

What Happened

I just install elementary os 6.0 and set my 2 lenguage keyboard layout (English and spanish)
Then I noticed that numlock indicator has an empty label (when suppose to be a keyboard layout)

Screenshot from 2020-11-27 17 10 48

Expected Behavior

Show both of my keyboard layouts

Steps to Reproduce

1.Install eos6.0 daily (27 Nov build)
2.add 2 keyboard layouts
3.see the empty label


Platform Information

This is the keyboard layout
Screenshot from 2020-11-27 17-16-14

May be related to #80. Can you post the value of the setting org.gnome.desktop.input-sources.sources ? You can get this with the terminal command gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources or by using the dconf-editor app.

May be related to #80. Can you post the value of the setting org.gnome.desktop.input-sources.sources ? You can get this with the terminal command gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources or by using the dconf-editor app.


org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources [('ibus', 'us'), ('ibus', 'latam')]

This would explain the problem - somehow you have ibus sources rather than xkb layouts. There is a bug in the switchboard keyboard plug causing this under some circumstances. Wingpanel indicator does not currently recognise ibus sources. Do you have any input methods set up in the next tab? I am working on some PRs to make the wingpanel indicator work with ibus sources as well as xkb layouts. Till then, a workaround is to edit the gsetting replacing "ibus" with "xkb" (or remove and readd all the layouts). Hopefully elementary/switchboard-plug-keyboard#338 will prevent the sources getting unintentionally messed up.

This bug is related with #80, I think must be close it.