elementary / switchboard-plug-sound

Switchboard Sound Plug

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Request to have a volume boost toggle button to allow users to drive volume above 100%

diddy-boy opened this issue · comments


Request to have a volume boost toggle button to allow users to drive volume above 100%
Other distributions have this as an option. I would assume this is not a hard feature to add


Have the option for the user to toggle this on (off by default) so the user can raise the volume control up to 150%

Prior Art

A workaround is to change system settings :-

using 'dconf-editor' (not installed by default) I had to drill down into '/io/elementary/desktop/wingpanel/sound/max-volume' and set max volume to 160
then go to /org/gnome/desktop/sound and Toggle Use Defaults to False
and then Make current value True

This worked but would be good just to enable a toggle option to drive allow the user to drive volume up to 160% in the sound settings view

A note on suggested workaround: it didn't work for me on elementary Hera until a rebooted (probably logout/login is enough but YMMV).

Duplicate of #68