elementary / icons

Named, vector icons for elementary OS

Home Page:https://elementary.io

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generate cursors OS agnostic

albfan opened this issue · comments


cursor generation depends on xcursorgen, heavily dependant on x11 (linux only). There's an alternative that generates cursor based on python, used by adwaita theme:

Input files are the same .in


Replace xcursorgen with anicursorgen.py

Prior Art

Adwaita gtk theme

This will fix elementary icon theme for msys2 (windows): msys2/MINGW-packages#8505 (comment)

As explained in the README, these icons are for elementary OS. I'm not really interested in maintaining a script for generating cursors in this repo. If this script becomes packaged then I would accept a PR to change out the dependency, but I really don't have any interest in doing work for Windows

@jbicha probably can help to package for ubuntu. I contact @LRN about migrated script used here msys2/MINGW-packages#8575