elementary / houston

Debian-repository-based AppCenter Dashboard, the backend for elementary AppCenter on elementary OS 5.1 and earlier.

Home Page:https://developer.elementary.io

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Name of project does not change after repository renaming

cleac opened this issue · comments

Overall description

When you rename project on GitHub, it does not change to a new name in dashboard and build fails because it expects old name of executable. Example: Olifant.

Renaming of forked project should lead to renaming of repository to avoid confusion, so I think this is a bit of an issue.

Here is how dashboard looks like at the moment for me, even after project renaming:
Знімок з 2020-05-12 09-36-09

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create project with repository on github
  2. Register it in AppStore Dashboard
  3. Rename repository

I can confirm that this is an issue with Froggum as well. In my case, I've never released my app, so there shouldn't be problems with things like maintaining connections to previous versions.