element-plus / element-plus

🎉 A Vue.js 3 UI Library made by Element team

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☝️ Breaking Change List

zazzaz opened this issue · comments

Here is the list of breaking changes from Element 2.x to Element Plus

This issue is outdated, please see
本 issue 已过时,请查看以下

Time Picker


  1. Delete picker-options option (Move to top-level options separately)

  2. Delete picker-options.format (Use the only picker format)

  3. Delete picker-options.selectableRange (New selectableRange API )
    5. Delete value-format option, out-put binding value will always be a Date Object, use dayjs(value).format() instead

  4. Add disabledHours(for range picker type start | end) disabledMinutes disabledSeconds APIs


Update editable description (prevent mobile device virtual keyboard)

6. remove is-range, and export saparate component
TimePicker TimeRangePicker



  1. Delete reverse (You should update data to reverse time-line,not bind props reverse)



  1. popperOptions: since we have replaced the previous version to @popperjs/core v2, the popperOptions are completely different from v1.
--- popper.js parameters
+++ once the user has provided this option, the popper is under the user's control, `Popper` will not initialize `popper` from the default options anymore, all attributes such as `offset` will not be effective
  1. offset
--- default: 0
+++ default: 12



  1. event onConfirm is replaced by confirm
  2. event onCancel is replaced by cancel



  1. value / v-model Date Object only
  2. range Date Object only, do not have to be start day of week / end day of week
  3. remove first-day-of-week, use Day.js locale instead
  4. slot data add date (JS Date)


Set Global Day.js locale in Doc site
How to set Day.js locale

Date Picker


  1. remove first-day-of-week, use Day.js locale instead
  2. Delete picker-options option (Move to top-level options separately)
  3. Add shortcut option, change accepted values [{text, value}]
  4. Add disabledDate option
  5. defaultTime option accept Date object


Update editable description

6. remove type, and export saparate component
Date(s)Picker(time) - DateRangePicker(time)
MonthPicker - MonthRangePicker


  1. validate now returns a promise that reject invalidFields instead of a single boolean if no callback is provided.
  2. the library now assumes Promise is always available and users should provide a sensible polyfill if they need ever to support deprecate browsers at all.


  1. Default language English
  2. Locale file name in lower case
  3. setting locale vie Locale-Provider



  • Delete picker-options option (Move to top-level options separately)

Date Picker


1. remove first-day-of-week, use Day.js locale instead

2. Delete picker-options option (Move to top-level options separately)

3. Add shortcut option, change accepted values [{text, value}]

4. Add disabledDate option

5. defaultTime option accept Date object

6. remove `type`, and export saparate component

Date(s)Picker(time) - DateRangePicker(time)
MonthPicker - MonthRangePicker


Update editable description

there should be an example about how to set locale on Day.js which may affect element-plus as metioned。

Time Picker


  1. Delete picker-options option (Move to top-level options separately)
  2. Delete picker-options.format (Use the only picker format)
  3. Delete picker-options.selectableRange (New selectableRange API )
  4. Delete value-format option, out-put binding value will always be a Date Object
  5. emove is-range, and export saparate component

TimePicker TimeRangePicker

  1. Add disabledHours(for range picker type start | end) disabledMinutes disabledSeconds APIs


Update editable description (prevent mobile device virtual keyboard)

Attributes “value-format” ,has it been cancelled? how to format values?

Time Picker


  1. Delete picker-options option (Move to top-level options separately)
  2. Delete picker-options.format (Use the only picker format)
  3. Delete picker-options.selectableRange (New selectableRange API )
  4. Delete value-format option, out-put binding value will always be a Date Object
  5. emove is-range, and export saparate component

TimePicker TimeRangePicker

  1. Add disabledHours(for range picker type start | end) disabledMinutes disabledSeconds APIs


Update editable description (prevent mobile device virtual keyboard)

In demo code, there is still 'is-range' and works correctly. It seems that the summary has some mistake. Will there be a comprehensive and accurate migration guide in the near future?



  1. event onConfirm is replaced by confirm
  2. event onCancel is replaced by cancel

there seems does not change.



  1. Delete reverse (You should update data to reverse time-line,not bind props reverse)

can we achieve reverse by judging the vnode type and its children? Anyway, keeping functions stable is good for elementui users

In the demo code, there is still 'is-range' and works correctly. It seems that the summary has some mistakes. Will there be a comprehensive and accurate migration guide in the near future?

@attacking The split component plan is canceled and deleted above, cause this will increase a huge bundle size.

there should be an example about how to set locale on Day.js which may affect element-plus as metioned。

@edsolater Yes, updated here #1096

Since before this PR #1354, the API is kind of confusing, for instance:
show-after indicates when the trigger event occurred, tooltip and popover will appear after show-after time.
But hide-after indicates the tooltip popover should be auto closed after hide-after time.
In this PR we adjust the semantics for hide-after which means after hide-after time the popups should be disappear from the screen. Also a new API auto-close for indicating closing the popups after auto-close time popups right after show event occurred.

So here is the API changes #1354

Tooltip Popover PopConfirm

  • open-delay changed to show-after
  • close-delay changed to hide-after
  • hide-after changed to auto-close

[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: el-affix

[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: el-affix

Please DO NOT REPORT ISSUES HERE, open an individual one with specific description, thank you very much.


    1. visible change to v-model


  • add $--colors as root color map
  • $--color-primary-light-1 change to
    • sass: map.get($--colors, 'primary', 'light-1')
    • css: var(--el-color-primary-light-1)

Similar $--color-success-light / $--color-warning-lighter.



  • float layout changed to flex layout.


  • float layout changed to flex layout.
  • Remove prop type="flex".


  • rename el-submenu to el-sub-menu (class name included) #3037


  • When menu is horizontal and too long to show, the overflow will be added to a sub menu. (default enabled) #3870


  • -background-color -> -bg-color
  • -font-color -> -text-color


  • $--button-font-color will change to $--button-text-color
  • $--button-background-color will change to $--button-bg-color

Similiar to tailwindcss



  • Remove packages in npm
  • For webpack 4, please refer to vueuse/vueuse#718 (comment)
  • /index must be added to the end of path like element-plus/es/components/button/style -> element-plus/es/components/button/style/index


  • Remove ResizeObserver polyfill.

cc @adaex @YunYouJun Could you guys please add the breaking change for icon-font in here?


Deprecation of FontIcon

Font Icon was replaced with Inline Vue SVG component. #3492


  <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search">Search</el-button>


After this change, you can use the icon attribute to add icon. You can pass either string for the component name (registered in advance) or the component itself which is a SVG Vue component. Element Plus has provided a set of icon that you can find at icon.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { Search } from '@element-plus/icons'
  <el-button type="primary" :icon="Search">Search</el-button>

You can pass down a Vue component for getting one of your desired icon, it dramatically increased the scalability for all components with icons, you can also apply actions to your Vue component, for example:

<script setup>
import { MyIcon } from 'some/icon/lib'
  <el-button :icon="MyIcon"></el-button>

You can checkout the table below to know the API changes

Component Name API before change API after change
Avatar icon (string) icon (string / Component)
Button icon (string) icon (string / Component)
DatePicker prefix-icon (string) prefix-icon (string / Component)
DatePicker clear-icon (string) clear-icon (string / Component)
Input prefix-icon (string) prefix-icon (string / Component)
Input suffix-icon (string) suffix-icon (string / Component)
MessageBox icon-class (string) icon (string / Component)
Message icon-class (string) icon (string / Component)
Notification icon-class (string) icon (string / Component)
PageHeader icon (string) icon (string / Component)
Select clear-icon (string) clear-icon (string / Component)
VirtualizedSelect clear-icon (string) clear-icon (string / Component)
TimePicker prefix-icon (string) prefix-icon (string / Component)
TimePicker clear-icon (string) clear-icon (string / Component)
TimeSelect prefix-icon (string) prefix-icon (string / Component)
TimeSelect clear-icon (string) clear-icon (string / Component)
Timeline icon (string) icon (string / Component)
Tree icon-class (string) icon (string / Component)

You can find more #4060.

移除全局配置 app.config.globalProperties.$ELEMENT | Remove global config app.config.globalProperties.$ELEMENT #4793

关于 app.config.globalProperties.$ELEMENT,也是从 Element UI 遗留下来的代码。使用 Vue 3 建议使用 inject 的方式去传递全局配置。新方式支持配置 reactive 可变。

About app.config.globalProperties.$ELEMENT, it is also the code left over from Element UI. With Vue 3, it is recommended to use inject to pass the global configuration. The new way supports reactive configuration.