electron / update.electronjs.org

📡 A free service that makes it easy for open-source Electron apps to update themselves.

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Windows: Support 64 and 32 bit

felixrieseberg opened this issue · comments

I'm wondering if this service supports producing both x64 and ia32 versions of apps. I don't want to exclude users on weaker Windows machines, but I also don't want to punish those with beefy machines.

We could teach the service to detect ia32 and x64 identifiers - and update-electron-app to pass on what architecture they're running on right now.

cc @juliangruber

I think this may also have been a requirement for Atom? cc @daviwil

Yep, Atom serves both x64 and ia32 Windows builds via our custom update service, so we'd need a similar capability here.

I just realized that it'd probably be helpful for me to write out exactly how our updates work so that our requirements are clearer. Will take a stab at that this weekend ☺

If we can solve this without adding a config file than we should be able to roll it out swiftly. It looks like luckily we can do this, and without a breaking change.

if (/win32-x64|(\.exe$)/.test(fileName)) return 'win32'

Any .exe is currently picked up as a win32 release (win32-x64 effectively). hyper is one of the apps not mentioning the arch in their windows release assets: https://github.com/zeit/hyper/releases/tag/2.1.0-canary.2.

This would mean that any .exe would still need to be detected as win32-x64, and the new windows asset detection rules would then be:

  • *win32-x64* -> win32-x64
  • *win32-ia32* -> win32-ia32
  • *.exe -> win32-x64

Does this sound good to everyone?

this has been deployed 🍾 time to update https://github.com/electron/update-electron-app