electron / update.electronjs.org

📡 A free service that makes it easy for open-source Electron apps to update themselves.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add support for latest pre-release

code-elf opened this issue · comments


As a maintainer of an application with a stable and beta channel, it would be great if I could somehow tell the API to return the latest prerelease with a parameter (maybe something like https://update.electronjs.org/{name}/{repo}/{platform}/{semver}/beta) and to otherwise return the latest stable release.

Would make for a very simple release cycle where releases can be marked as pre-releases, picked up and tested by those on the beta channel, and eventually bumped up to a full release on GitHub.

Thanks for the suggestion, @MayaWolf. This is being discussed in #58. My understanding is that @daviwil may soon be working with me and @juliangruber to add this functionality to the service.