electron / update.electronjs.org

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/kitze/jsui/darwin/0.0.18 is causing 500s

zeke opened this issue · comments

The error is:

{"level":50,"time":1529596627634,"msg":"Invalid Version: untagged-a303cf707acdd4a51302","pid":4,"hostname":"d7c56f30-e4cd-4a94-a38d-48874d12d74e","type":"Error","stack":"TypeError: Invalid Version: untagged-a303cf707acdd4a51302\n    at new SemVer (/app/node_modules/semver/semver.js:305:11)\n    at compare (/app/node_modules/semver/semver.js:578:10)\n    at Function.eq (/app/node_modules/semver/semver.js:617:10)\n    at Updates.handleUpdate (/app/index.js:84:23)\n    at <anonymous>\n    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)","v":1} 

Should be a quick fix!

@juliangruber can we return a helpful error message when the version is not semver-compatible?

My guess was that it's not expected to serve an untagged release, but seems like the most recent release (the one untagged) should actually be used.

If you request for example https://update.electronjs.org/kitze/jsui/darwin/0.0.0 it will point you to the last tagged release, which I think is better than erroring out. What about adding a note here, a la

"warning": "invalid semver in release X"

Warning sounds good.