electron / update.electronjs.org

📡 A free service that makes it easy for open-source Electron apps to update themselves.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Update Server returns the URL of blockmap, blocking auto update

amatzen opened this issue · comments


When using the hosted update.electronjs.org server, I get the blockmap URL in the url property of the response object, instead of the ZIP-file for the macOS distribution. This blocks the auto update function for us.

However, for a forked repo used for testing, I get the proper zip file in the url property.


I suspect the RegEx here to falsely turn positive on Printdesk-1.62.6-mac.zip.blockmap:

if (/.*(mac|darwin|osx).*\.zip/i.test(fileName) && !/arm64/.test(fileName)) {