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[Bug]: webContents.insertCSS doesn't work when it is in Chromium-provided page

FlysoftBeta opened this issue · comments

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Electron Version


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Operating System Version

Windows 11 version 22H2

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Last Known Working Electron version

No response

Expected Behavior

The promise returned by webContents.insertCSS should resolve with the key.

Actual Behavior

When the webContents loads a Chromium-provided page (eg: view-source page(like view-source:https://google.com), xml viewer, image viewer) and I try inserting CSS to the page,
the promise returned by webContents.insertCSS keeps pending and never resolves.

Testcase Gist URL


Additional Information

Some instructions of the gist: There are two webviews on the window, and I try using insertCSS("body { background: red; }") to make the background red, but only one of them succeed.


and there is only one promise resolved, too.


https://gist.github.com/81b8b61d974173cb9f73c67aaa03a8fd is a 404, so I'm marking this as blocked/needs-repro

Unfortunately, without a way to reproduce this issue, we're unable to continue investigation. This issue has been closed and will not be monitored further. If you're able to provide a minimal test case that reproduces this issue on a supported version of Electron please open a new issue and include instructions for reproducing the issue.