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[Bug]: Linux: In french locale, crash on access of user-selected file with accent in filename

scottnonnenberg-signal opened this issue · comments

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22.04, Arch Linux and Fedora Silverblue

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No response

Expected Behavior

Open any file, no matter the characters in the filename

Actual Behavior

Start application with LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8, then with the file picker open a file with an accent in it (like tèst.txt), then try to grab the ArrayBuffer representation of the Blob returned on the 'change' event. See the attached fiddle to make this very easy.

We see this in the console, and the renderer window becomes unresponsive:

[17157:0701/162155.959753:ERROR:bad_message.cc(29)] Terminating renderer for bad IPC message, reason 2

If we listen to the 'renderer-process-gone' event, we see this:

Error: Reason: killed, Exit Code: 3

This simple text file is enough to trigger it: tèst.txt

Testcase Gist URL


Additional Information

This was originally reported by a Signal Desktop user here: signalapp/Signal-Desktop#5977 (comment)

I tested with some older versions to see if this is a new regression.

This issue also exists in

  • 16.0.0
  • 16.2.8 (latest stable 16)
  • 17.0.0
  • 17.4.9 (latest stable 17)
  • 18.0.0
  • 18.3.5 (latest stable 18)

Behaves just as @scottnonnenberg-signal reports. LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 was needed for me to reproduce; it did not happen in LANG=en_US.UTF-8

This issue is affecting Obsidian (electron based) https://forum.obsidian.md/t/images-dont-load-if-vault-contains-non-standard-letters-such-as-e/42010/22
I did some testing (see that forum post) and it seems like it's not just French though.
But the main thing I noticed trough my testing was that it seems like it's not related to what language of the linux distro is installed. But what you change the 'formats' to.
I tested out a vm with manjaro installed in French. The obsidian bug wasn't reproducable.
But as with my other tests, if you change the 'formats/region' value to something else (and then restart the session). That's what breaks it.
Although changing my french manjaro install to Dutch (belgium), didn't seem to break it.
So I think it's related to the language that the OS is installed with not having special charachters. But if you change it to a locale that does, then it breaks

I'm still getting a handle on this issue, but a partial status update: what's happening is wcrtomb() is failing in base::SysWideToNativeMB. It doesn't seem to be limited to combining characters, e.g. the combining grave accent in the original testcase (tèst.txt); the same code is erroring out when using a non-combination char (e.g. rést.txt using latin small letter e with acute also fails).

mbtowc() converts from a multibyte character encoded in the current locale to a wchar_t, which is likely the root of the problem.

One other point, most of the code in play here is all upstream Chromium -- but AFAICT there's no similar upstream bug so Electron is likely introducing something into the process that breaks this locale, but I'm not yet seeing how.

wcrtomb errno 84 Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character

backtrace from the mbtowc() calll:

#7 0x55dfcccbf213 base::SysWideToNativeMB()
#8 0x55dfccbb9411 _ZN4base8FilePath15FromUTF16UnsafeENS_16BasicStringPieceIDsNSt2Cr11char_traitsIDsEEEE
#9 0x55dfd01854f9 blink::StringToFilePath()
#10 0x55dfd0185751 blink::WebStringToFilePath()
#11 0x55dfcb42c285 blink::BlobData::CreateForFileWithUnknownSize()
#12 0x55dfcf511f77 blink::File::File()
#13 0x55dfcf3df0cc blink::File::CreateForUserProvidedFile()
#14 0x55dfd04703e5 blink::FileInputType::CreateFileList()
#15 0x55dfd0471944 blink::FileInputType::FilesChosen()
#16 0x55dfcfcdc19b blink::FileChooser::DidChooseFiles()
#17 0x55dfcfcdd116 base::internal::Invoker<>::RunOnce()
#18 0x55dfcfcdd2b5 WTF::ThreadCheckingCallbackWrapper<>::RunInternal()
#19 0x55dfcfcdd022 WTF::ThreadCheckingCallbackWrapper<>::Run()
#20 0x55dfcfcdd226 base::internal::Invoker<>::RunOnce()
#21 0x55dfcb2c91ce blink::mojom::blink::FileChooser_OpenFileChooser_ForwardToCallback::Accept()
#22 0x55dfcd042db8 mojo::InterfaceEndpointClient::HandleValidatedMessage()
#23 0x55dfcd04265e mojo::InterfaceEndpointClient::HandleIncomingMessageThunk::Accept()
#24 0x55dfcd04b89b mojo::MessageDispatcher::Accept()
#25 0x55dfcd0448fd mojo::InterfaceEndpointClient::HandleIncomingMessage()
#26 0x55dfcd051d3a mojo::internal::MultiplexRouter::ProcessIncomingMessage()
#27 0x55dfcd0511bb mojo::internal::MultiplexRouter::Accept()

I take that earlier comment back -- this is an upstream bug; a variant of it is happening in Chromium too.

To reproduce:

  1. launch with LANG set, same as in this issue: $ LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 google-chrome
  2. ctrl-o and try to open the file, same as in this issue, e.g. rést.txt

Expected result:

  • rést.txt is opened

Actual result:

  • / is opened

Electron is clearly taking it one step further by crashing, but you may want to also report this upstream to Chromium.

This issue has been automatically marked as stale. If this issue is still affecting you, please leave any comment (for example, "bump"), and we'll keep it open. If you have any new additional information—in particular, if this is still reproducible in the latest version of Electron or in the beta—please include it with your comment!

This bug is still relevant

This issue has been automatically marked as stale. If this issue is still affecting you, please leave any comment (for example, "bump"), and we'll keep it open. If you have any new additional information—in particular, if this is still reproducible in the latest version of Electron or in the beta—please include it with your comment!

This bug is still relevant

This issue has been automatically marked as stale. If this issue is still affecting you, please leave any comment (for example, "bump"), and we'll keep it open. If you have any new additional information—in particular, if this is still reproducible in the latest version of Electron or in the beta—please include it with your comment!

Still a problem

Hey! I had trouble with obsidian on Flatpak but when installing via the Arch extra repo it looks like it's working.
Just leaving it here if anyone has the same issue as me.