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[Bug]: Couldn't get focused element's cursor position of and Electron app.

ArulOSlash opened this issue · comments

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Operating System Version

macOS 12.3.1

What arch are you using?

arm64 (including Apple Silicon)

Last Known Working Electron version

No response

Expected Behavior

I'm working on a mac native app that has similar functionalities to the Rocket app.. Whenever a user types : outside of my app I'll show an NSWindow near the cursor. To get the cursor position I'm using Accessibility APIs.

I checked my window positioning in native apps like XCode, Notes, and Messages and tried on web apps as well everything is working fine But I'm facing an issue with electron apps that I'm getting the XOrigin always as 0 and YOrigin as 982 (That is equal to my screen's size: NSScreen.main?.frame.height).

  extension AXUIElement {
      func getCursorRect() -> CGRect? {
        guard let cursorPosition = cursorPosition else {return nil}
        var cfRange: CFRange = .init(location: cursorPosition, length: 1)
        let axval: AXValue? = AXValueCreate(.cfRange, &cfRange)
        var bounds: CFTypeRef?
        guard let axval = axval else {return nil}
        AXUIElementCopyParameterizedAttributeValue(self, kAXBoundsForRangeParameterizedAttribute as CFString, axval, &bounds)
        var cursorRect: CGRect = .zero
        guard let bounds = bounds else {return nil}
        AXValueGetValue(bounds as! AXValue, .cgRect, &cursorRect)
        return cursorRect

Actual Behavior

The method that I mentioned is supposed to return an actual cursor position like Native and web app does.

Testcase Gist URL

No response

Additional Information

I'm not developing my application using the Electron framework but I'm facing the above-mentioned issue with the apps that were developed using the Electron framework.

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