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WebRequest can't using multi time with a type event.

phanthai12 opened this issue · comments

const {session} = require('electron')

// Modify the user agent for all requests to the following urls.
const filter_mainFrame = {
  urls: ['*://example.com/*']
const filter_stylesheet = {
  urls: ['*://otherpage.com/*']

session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(filter_mainFrame, (details, callback) => {
  if(details.resourceType=="mainFrame") callback({cancel: true})
session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(filter_stylesheet, (details, callback) => {
  if(details.resourceType=="stylesheet") callback({cancel: true})

i think it only work with filter_stylesheet .
I want it to work both filters, but not possible.

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It appears that webRequest events can accept only 1 listener each. Each time the method is called, the listener is overridden.

const {session} = require('electron');

session.defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(() => {console.log('onBeforeSendHeaders cb #1')})
defaultSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(() => {console.log('onBeforeSendHeaders cb #2')})

session.defaultSession.webRequest.onCompleted(() => {console.log('cb onCompleted #1')})
session.defaultSession.webRequest.onCompleted(() => {console.log('cb onCompleted #2')})

// navigate to trigger events

// onBeforeSendHeaders cb #2'
// cb onCompleted #2

We finally wrote a plug and play library at Station to add capabilities on WebRequest.


Still issue.

Probably right solution add addListener/removeListener/hasListener to native Electron implemention, like: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/webRequest/onBeforeRequest