electron / chromedriver

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v25.2.0 not published to npm?

eatonphil opened this issue · comments

The latest 25.x release on npm is 25.1.1. https://www.npmjs.com/package/electron-chromedriver?activeTab=versions.

But 25.2.0 was published last week https://github.com/electron/chromedriver/releases/tag/v25.2.0.

Am I missing something or has this one not been published to npm for some reason?


Thanks for the report! It looks like that release failed to publish to npm, due to a server error. Looks like around 5 versions didn't publish during that time period, but the most recent ones have succeeded.

Using version 25.1.1 should work fine for your needs - we used to only publish one version of chromedriver per major Electron release (so 25.0.0) as that should be sufficient, but recently switched to publishing 1:1 versions in case there's any fixes relevant to chromedriver to pick up.