electron-react-boilerplate / electron-react-boilerplate

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access assets after installed mac

supun19 opened this issue · comments


I have assets, and when I package them, I add them to the extraResources as well. However, when I try to get the path of the assets folder using process.resourcesPath, it gives me the wrong path. It provides the project folder path instead of the installed application path


This is working well development environment

    const { sourcefile, filename } = data;
    const videoPath = app.getPath('exe');
    const pathSep = path.sep;
    let source;
    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
      source = path.join('assets', 'videos', sourcefile);
    } else {
      source = path.join(
    const pth = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), filename);
    console.log(source, pth);
    const res = fs.copyFileSync(source, pth);
    return { result: res };

anyone have idea