electron-react-boilerplate / electron-react-boilerplate

A Foundation for Scalable Cross-Platform Apps

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I've found another way to solve my problem without using this package. It looks like at those time there was an update of some library or something that broke the build and if the error still there, try to update all your packages to latest version

Thesiva7 opened this issue · comments

          I've found another way to solve my problem without using this package. It looks like at those time there was an update of some library or something that broke the build and if the error still there, try to update all your packages to latest version

Did you by any chance solve this problem?

Originally posted by @MonsieurPatate in #3073 (comment)

Hi, Can you tell me, how you solved this problem without using this package?

@Thesiva7 as I remember I just removed the library and took settings from a custom file, so in my custom situation I wrote settingsManager that saves settings in file. The settings were not "sensitive" (no personal data), so in my case it was not a bad solution)