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ern run-android failing as react component not found even babel plugin "module-resolver" is there

ashishvista opened this issue · comments

Screenshot from 2022-07-01 11-48-50

I have this babel.config.json
module.exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], plugins: [ ['module-resolver', { root: [ './src', ], "alias": { "~": "./src", } }], ], };
ern run-android failing as react component not found even babel plugin "module-resolver" is there. It is getting succes if i tried to generate index.android.bundle with this cmd

/home/rapi_01018/.ern/versions/0.49.1/node_modules/ern-core/node_modules/.bin/react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js
--bundle-output /home/rapi_01018/Documents/rapimoney/react-native-library-sample/rapi-miniapp/test/index.bundle
--assets-dest /home/rapi_01018/Documents/rapimoney/react-native-library-sample/rapi-miniapp/test

but when doing ern run-android failing , its failing issue as in screenshot.