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Container generator stuck with Node.js 17+

friederbluemle opened this issue · comments

Still needs to be investigated more, but it appears in some cases, container generation (e.g. ern create-container, or running a miniapp) with Node.js 17 simply stops, with no more console output, waiting forever.

It happens at the end of the Injecting JavaScript engine step, right before the line starting with cp below:

~/.ern/containergen/out/android /path/to/test-miniapp
cp -Rf /private/var/folders/xb/4lt2zppd3cnc6qhcc09wxb8r0000gn/T/tmp-92135-YPGFhV9Qp5gE/jni ~/.ern/containergen/out/android/lib/src/main/jniLibs
[ Injecting JavaScript engine [JavaScriptCore] (Completed in 0s)]

This also affects commands that depend on container generation (e.g. ern run-android).

@friederbluemle - I am facing the same issue with Node Version 18.7. Are there any resolution/workarounds for this issue?

➜ MovieListMiniApp git:(master) node --version

any help on this? I tried by changing the node version to 16 on my macbook M1 but still have the same issue

Same problem! Any helps?

I have detected the issue. The problem with compressed-zib lib. OnExtract is not called so it waits forever.

Great thank you very much for the investigation @quanghoang0101 - A third party dependency has also been my suspicion as the culprit of this error.

I've replaced compress-zip with adm-zip in #1878