electrode-io / electrode-native-manifest

Electrode Native - Master Manifest

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tight version coupling

friederbluemle opened this issue · comments

No clear action items, but we need to re-think/re-evaluate the tight version coupling (especially on patch level) across repositories.



Does this include things like versions in the manifest? We have a partial manifest with several privately published MiniApps and react-native packages, and run into a situation where any patch bump in the native dependencies requires an ern upgrade-miniapp on all MiniApp repositories, re-deploy of all MiniApps, and then re-building the cauldron app descriptor before we can generate a new container with the updated code. Could we specify weaker versions in either the manifest for MiniApps, or is there some other way to solve this problem?