electerious / basicLightbox

The lightest lightbox ever made.

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feature request: hash url

jimblue opened this issue · comments


First thank you for this very nice piece of code, sharp and clean!

Wondering if you could consider adding hashnavigation for the lightbox.

This script to do this kind of job but using jQuery:


What do you think?

Also found this interesting library: https://github.com/EastingAndNorthing/urlhash

I try to keep basicLightbox as light and clean as possible. Navigation is complex when you want to implement something that works in all cases (e.g. webapps). It always depends on where you use it.

The good thing: You can easily implement it by yourself using the scripts you mentioned. Just use the API of basicLightbox when the hash changes.

Sure I understand 😄 !

Thanks for answering @electerious