elebumm / RedditVideoMakerBot

Create Reddit Videos with just✨ one command ✨

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

It says "Something went wrong with making the screenshots! " even after lauching chromiun

hamimbadsha opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

it fails to take screenshot of the selected reddit post

Reproduction Steps

i did nothing

Expected behavior

well the expected behaviour is work perfectly


C:\Users\hamim\Desktop\RedditVideoMakerBot-master\RedditVideoMakerBot-master>python main.py
Using region Dhaka Division server backend.

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Thanks for using this tool! Feel free to contribute to this project on GitHub! If you have any questions, feel free
to join my Discord server or submit a GitHub issue. You can find solutions to many common problems in the
documentation: https://reddit-video-maker-bot.netlify.app/

│ You are using the newest version (3.2.1) of the bot │

Checking TOML configuration

If you see any prompts, that means that you have unset/incorrectly set variables, please input the correct values.
│ on the 1st iteration of 1 │
Logging into Reddit.
│ Getting subreddit threads... │
Using subreddit: r/AskReddit+relationship_advice+NoSleep from TOML config
NSFW Post Detected. Skipping...
Video will be: Update: My (38F) Husband (39M) hid having lunch with a coworker (25F) and said my cooking was
‘tasteless’ what should I do? 👍
Thread url is:
https://reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1cmecnt/update_my_38f_husband_39m_hid_having_lunch_with_a/ 👍
Thread has 821 upvotes
Thread has a upvote ratio of 98.0%
Thread has 196 comments
Received subreddit threads Successfully.
Thread ID is 1cmecnt
│ Saving Text to MP3 files... │
Saving... ---------------------------------------- 0.7 it/s
Saved Text to MP3 files successfully.
│ Downloading screenshots of reddit posts... │
Launching Headless Browser...
Logging in to Reddit...
Skipping translation...
Something went wrong!
Something went wrong with making the screenshots! Do you want to skip the post? (y/n)

System Information

Operating System : [e.g. Windows 10]
Python version : [e.g. Python 3.10]


  • I have searched the open issues for duplicates.
  • I have shown the entire traceback, if possible.

Additional Context

No response

Can you send the error?


I had the same issue, and my error was

playwright._impl._api_types.TimeoutError: Timeout 30000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for locator("[data-test-id=\"post-content\"]")

I am using Cyteon's fork's master branch with headless set to false

having the same issue :/ I think it's due to reddit sometimes using a different login page which breaks the logic

Weird, you could try my dev branch, but it's not recommended

This issue is stale because it has been open 7 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment, or this will be closed in 10 days.

Issue closed due to being stale. Please reopen if issue persists in latest version.