elcritch / fidgetty

Widget library built on Fidget written in pure Nim and OpenGL rendered

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Example `demo.nim` error

matkuki opened this issue · comments


Specs: Windows 10 x64, Nim 1.6.8

A lot of the times when running the demo example (but not always), I get this:

[load] data\shadow-button-middle.png
putFlippy: (45, 122) @ data\shadow-button-middle.png
UI event!
new checkbox
Traceback (most recent call last)
J:\Nim\fidgetty\examples\demo.nim(162) demo
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(199) startFidget
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(1961) waitFor
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(1653) poll
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(419) runOnce
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(234) processPendingCallbacks
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncmacro.nim(28) runningNimAsyncContinue
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(193) runningIter
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\opengl\base.nim(172) updateLoop
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\opengl\base.nim(139) drawAndSwap
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(91) :anonymous
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\widgets.nim(111) testDemo
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\system\arc.nim(172) nimDestroyAndDispose
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\system\arc.nim(198) nimDecRefIsLast
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)

That's odd. Just to check have you updated to the latest Fidgetty? It sort of looks like a potential compiler bug, maybe Windows specific. That section of code should always have those ref objects allocated.

Maybe you could add some assert statements in widgets.nim:111 for assert item.isNil == false and assert state.isNil == false and re-run it? I'll add some there but I don't have a windows install to check it currently and I haven't gotten it on Mac/Linux.

That's odd. Just to check have you updated to the latest Fidgetty?

Yes, I'm at commit HEAD is now at aec2b9c adding cells example

Maybe you could add some assert statements in widgets.nim:111 for assert item.isNil == false and assert state.isNil == false and re-run it?

Added that same error, only the line has changed:

UI event!
new checkbox
Traceback (most recent call last)
J:\Nim\fidgetty\examples\demo.nim(162) demo
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(199) startFidget
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(1961) waitFor
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(1653) poll
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(419) runOnce
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(234) processPendingCallbacks
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncmacro.nim(28) runningNimAsyncContinue
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(193) runningIter
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\opengl\base.nim(172) updateLoop
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\opengl\base.nim(139) drawAndSwap
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(91) :anonymous
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\widgets.nim(113) testDemo
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\system\arc.nim(172) nimDestroyAndDispose
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\system\arc.nim(198) nimDecRefIsLast
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)

Funny observation: this only happens if I run the demo from the Windows console, if I run it with double-clicking the executable in the explorer, it never throws this error!

Funny observation: this only happens if I run the demo from the Windows console, if I run it with double-clicking the executable in the explorer, it never throws this error!

That is very odd. I'm going to post this on the Nim forum and see if people have thoughts about it.

Commenting out the last two lines in the fidgetty macro in widgets.nim, like so:

makes the error disappear, if that helps. The widgets aren't displayed properly, of course, but the error is gone.

Compiling with --mm:orc gives a different error:

UI event!
new checkbox
Traceback (most recent call last)
J:\Nim\fidgetty\examples\demo.nim(162) demo
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(199) startFidget
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(1961) waitFor
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(1653) poll
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(419) runOnce
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncdispatch.nim(234) processPendingCallbacks
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\pure\asyncmacro.nim(28) runningNimAsyncContinue
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(193) runningIter
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\opengl\base.nim(172) updateLoop
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\opengl\base.nim(139) drawAndSwap
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(95) :anonymous
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\common.nim(762) computeLayout
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\common.nim(762) computeLayout
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\common.nim(762) computeLayout
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\common.nim(810) computeLayout
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\openglbackend.nim(29) :anonymous
C:\Users\matic\.nimble\pkgs\typography-#head\typography\layout.nim(168) typeset
C:\Users\matic\.nimble\pkgs\typography-#head\typography\rasterizer.nim(47) getGlyphSize
C:\Users\matic\.nimble\pkgs\typography-#head\typography\rasterizer.nim(18) makeReady
C:\Users\matic\.nimble\pkgs\typography-#head\typography\opentype\parser.nim(647) parseGlyph
C:\Users\matic\.nimble\pkgs\typography-#head\typography\opentype\parser.nim(608) parseCompositeGlyphC:\Users\matic\.nimble\pkgs\typography-#head\typography\opentype\parser.nim(649) parseGlyph
C:\Users\matic\.nimble\pkgs\typography-#head\typography\opentype\parser.nim(491) parseGlyphPath
C:\Users\matic\.nimble\pkgs\pixie-5.0.1\pixie\paths.nim(348) moveTo
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\system\alloc.nim(956) alloc
C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\lib\system\alloc.nim(788) rawAlloc
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)

Nice, the difference with the ORC could be helpful. Though thats in the pixie layer, which would be annoying to trackdown.

Could you try just commenting the doBlocks (line 115) out and see if the error occurs? Thats just the event handlers templates, so it may produce odd code.

Are you seeing this error on any of the simpler test guis, like testDropdown.nim?

Oh, also I could add a try block around the code line. That might make a better trace.

Could you try just commenting the doBlocks (line 115) out and see if the error occurs?

No change.

Oh, also I could add a try block around the code line.

No change, same traceback. Tried putting just the code line in a try/except, tried also from putting lines from 110 to 117 in a try/except. Nothing changes, except the error line shifts one line down because of the inserted try:.

Why does the compiler throw an error when trying to compile with other --mm options, like refc and markAndSweep for example?

Why does the compiler throw an error when trying to compile with other --mm options, like refc and markAndSweep for example?

Likely some parts of the code depends on destructor's or other behaviors of ARC/ORC. I'll give it a quick compile and see if there's it'd be feasible to use refc.

Looks like it was just an issue with setting the mm options in the config. I think it's a compiler glitch as the user setting --mm should override the configs. 🤷

I added a -d:fidgettyNonArcGc flag that will let you compile with refc or others. But the tests and examples default to --mm:arc so it'll still default to that.

Could you try just commenting the doBlocks (line 115) out and see if the error occurs?

No change.

Oh, also I could add a try block around the code line.

No change, same traceback. Tried putting just the code line in a try/except, tried also from putting lines from 110 to 117 in a try/except. Nothing changes, except the error line shifts one line down because of the inserted try:.

Okay, and that's pretty annoying. :/

It really does seem like some odd compiler issue. Let me know if that refc works. Also, could you run the tbutton.nim test and see if it occurs with it too? I think that'd be a minimal example we could post to the Nim forum.

P.S. the new theming is coming along nicely! You can do pseudo css like styling without needing to modify widgets at all.

setTheme(atom"button" / atom"pop"):

When trying to compile with nim c --mm:refc -d:fidgettyNonArcGc demo.nim, I get:

...\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\theming.nim(2, 15) Error: cannot open file: cssgrid/atoms

I tried removing cssgrid and installing the whole fidgetty again with nimble install in the root directory, but still the above error persists.

Ok, I fixed those errors and updated the nimble.

Updated, now I get this error, with whatever switches I compile with:

J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\button.nim(12, 16) Error: type mismatch: got <Palette>
but expected one of:
proc cornerRadius(): UICoord
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  extra argument given
proc cornerRadius(a, b, c, d: UICoord | float | float32)
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type for a: UICoord or float or float32
  but expression 'currentPalette' is of type: Palette
proc cornerRadius(radius: (UICoord, UICoord, UICoord, UICoord))
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type for radius: (UICoord, UICoord, UICoord, UICoord)
  but expression 'currentPalette' is of type: Palette
proc cornerRadius(radius: UICoord | float | float32)
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type for radius: UICoord or float or float32
  but expression 'currentPalette' is of type: Palette

expression: cornerRadius currentPalette

What branch are you using again? That's odd, it's a normal compile issue. But pretty sure I ran the nimble tests on all the branches. I'll run them and check again.

Ah, it's the devel branch. Ok the new themes are mostly working, so I'll just merge those changes in.

Definitely let me know if you find missing parts of the theme! I'm still switching the widgets over to the new theme setup.

Ugh, that was annoying. I merged in the new themes system and fixed all the compilation issues. I think all the widgets should be themed enough to be useable.

edit: ugh, it merged into main, not devel. Welp, I guess new theme system is out for everyone!

Tried the devel and main branches, both throw:

fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev.nim(7, 18) Error: cannot open file: fidget_dev/theming

You may need to add nim c -f one time? Sometimes the Nim compiler cache gets outta sync and I had the same thing happen to a few of my test files.

I also pushed a change to fidget_devel on the devel branch to see if that helps. :)

I did a git switch devel, git reset --hard, git pull origin, then tried:

  • nim c demo.nim
  • nim c -f demo.nim
  • nim c --mm:refc -d:fidgettyNonArcGc demo.nim

... all still give the same error:

J:\Nim\fidgetty\examples> nim c --mm:refc -d:fidgettyNonArcGc .\demo.nim
Hint: used config file 'C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\config\nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file 'C:\Users\matic\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.6.8\config\config.nims' [Conf]
Hint: used config file 'J:\Nim\fidgetty\config.nims' [Conf]
Hint: used config file 'J:\Nim\fidgetty\examples\config.nims' [Conf]
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\patches\textboxes.nim(511, 8) Hint: duplicate import of 'strformat'; previous import here: J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\
fidget_dev\patches\textboxes.nim(145, 8) [DuplicateModuleImport]
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\patches\textboxes.nim(145, 8) Warning: imported and not used: 'strformat' [UnusedImport]
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\patches\textboxes.nim(511, 8) Warning: imported and not used: 'strformat' [UnusedImport]
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\common.nim(19, 8) Warning: imported and not used: 'print' [UnusedImport]
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\common.nim(931, 11) Warning: imported and not used: 'monotimes' [UnusedImport]
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev\common.nim(931, 26) Warning: imported and not used: 'times' [UnusedImport]
J:\Nim\fidgetty\src\fidgetty\fidget_dev.nim(8, 18) Error: cannot open file: fidget_dev/theming

I'm thinking you might still have my old Fidget fork installed in Nimble? It could be mixing up paths. You should be able to uninstall that using something like nimble uninstall fidget.

Either that or it's an oddity with Windows path. You could try running it from the main directory like nim c -r examples/demo.nim.

Thanks for checking. Looking under src/fidgetty/fidget_dev/ I’m not seeing theming.nim. Bet it’s a git ignore issue. Let me check that.

Huzzah! Finally found a gitignore pattern that ignores binaries but not Nim source files. Honestly the pattern makes no sense to me at first glance, but works: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5711120/gitignore-binary-files-that-have-no-extension/53416684#53416684


I added theming.nim and pushed it onto main and devel.

P.S. if you want to run examples from the examples folder you may need to add the DataDir path like: cd examples/ && nim c -r -d:DataDirPath:../data/ demo.nim

This addition that you mentioned -d:DataDirPath:../data/ fixes the original console-execute errors!!! With all --mm flags!

To make the demo work, I copied the fidgetty/data directory into fidgetty/examples, so it looks like this:
Shouldn't that work exactly the same as the your new -d:DataDirPath:../data/ flag?