elastic / package-storage

Package storage for packages served through the package registry service

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Package Storage v2 - Create object storage to store .zip files.

jlind23 opened this issue · comments

The goal of this issue is to create an object storage for future .zip files. We need to decide where to put it, what would be the permissions model and who will maintain it (us vs. infra).

I updated the issue description.

My first thought is an S3 bucket behind Cloudfront or a matching selection from Google Cloud.

Hey @elastic/observablt-robots, do you have any recommendations here? Long story short, we'd like to build a similar place to Artifactory to store packages.

Feel free to link (convert to) an internal issue if necessary.

Hey @elastic/observablt-robots, do you have any recommendations here?

Hi @mtojek . I take it from your mention of Cloudfront that you're expecting a considerable amount of traffic to this endpoint? I think we should clarify the requirements here a bit in terms of exactly what this will be used for, what the security profile needs to be, and what kind of traffic we're expecting and then bring in @elastic/infra-hosting to help us work through options.

Hey @cachedout, your questions are absolutely correct. I will come up with a short design doc providing basic requirements for storage. I don't think we have already defined it to build v1 (based on the Github repository).


just started, will ping you once it's ready: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NqmRNVScnBDbwS_42_55lopa0w3KJ_w-SkrX9RxlowE/edit#

@cachedout @jsoriano @jlind23 The document is ready for the first review. Let me know what you think.

@mtojek I have completed my review. Thanks for answering my questions so promptly! It all seems very reasonable. I added some comments about next-steps from the hosting/automation side of things and also added a few questions to the Open Questions section at the bottom of the document.

Thank you for reviewing it, Mike! I will take a look at your questions in a moment.

It looks like we can close this issue. I'm working on final polishing in other task.