elastic / elastic-otel-dotnet

Elastic OpenTelemetry .NET Distribution

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Agent: Investigate auto-instrumentation via profiler [Research]

stevejgordon opened this issue · comments

We should investigate options to extend or integrate with the OTel profiler in order to register our distribution with no-code.

It seems this is possible by using the plugin architecture. I have done basic testing where we use Initialize to register our builder, which seems to work as expected.

The more complex piece is designing the CI build steps to package the current auto instrumentation zip files along with our DLL to include in our releases, which consumers can install via PowerShell etc. The steps would be similar to those used by the Splunk distro.

Closing this as research is completed. We will open follow-up issues to track the work to implement this.