elad-bar / ha-edgeos

Integration with EdgeOS (Ubiquiti)

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No statistics found - UBNT Interface ETH4 Received Rate

Greminn opened this issue · comments

Hi There, for some reason there is no statistics graph for any port's received rate. Using a EdgeRouter X. Any chance I have something setup wrong at my end? Would love to have a dashboard graph :)


Which version is installed (of integration and HA)? Do you see error in logs related to component?


Home Assistant 2023.7.3
Supervisor 2023.07.1
Operating System 10.3
Frontend 20230705.1 - latest

HACS EdgeOS version 2.0.28

No errors... (with debug not on)

Can you pls check if there is an issue with the entity statistics? (in developer tools -> statistics) not sure why it happens, check with my integration and it's working, my logs are also clean, for other integrations i guess it work, right?

@elad-bar I think something was wrong with my config. I deleted and re-added and it's all working as excepted.