elabdesunil / django-stripe-subscription

A Django Application that handles subscription payment through stripe "fixed-price" subscription, with a detailed tutorial. The app redirects users to Stripe Checkout in subscription mode, listens to Stripe webhook to see if the transaction completed and add the relevant data to the database.

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Hello, I'm having some issues with the final part of the (very comprehensive) tutorial regarding webhooks.

elabdesunil opened this issue · comments

  Hello, I'm having some issues with the final part of the (very comprehensive) tutorial regarding webhooks. 

I can successfully click the 'Subscribe' button on my website - this redirects me to Stripe and I fill out the checkout page with the dummy card details. I then get redirected to localhost:8000/success. I can see that the order has gone through successfully on Stripe as I can see the new customer in my Stripe Dashboard. Further, I do get what appears to be a successful trace on Stripe CLI:

2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> charge.succeeded [evt_1IKSBfEXbllwxHYyPpTdrmTw]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> payment_method.attached [evt_1IKSBfEXbllwxHYy4v0LWTiS]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> customer.created [evt_1IKSBfEXbllwxHYyTIyC9CFQ]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> invoice.created [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyvVIw9QP1]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> checkout.session.completed [evt_1IKSBfEXbllwxHYy2UF9xEJL]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> customer.subscription.created [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyCXsH7bq7]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> invoice.updated [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyklknXtBn]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> invoice.finalized [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyJn6e8Wd6]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> invoice.updated [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyTHAt7vaa]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> customer.subscription.updated [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYy047BvrHK]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> invoice.payment_succeeded [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYylv9YsxDs]
2021-02-13 17:45:44   --> invoice.updated [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyEC6xIeF9]
2021-02-13 17:45:45   --> payment_intent.succeeded [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyrA3WfJZc]
2021-02-13 17:45:45   --> invoice.paid [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyYAxl8YRy]
2021-02-13 17:45:45   --> payment_intent.created [evt_1IKSBgEXbllwxHYyL5tlzsqp]

After some time (perhaps 20 seconds or so) Stripe CLI then presents me with:

2021-02-13 18:46:24            [ERROR] Failed to POST: Post http://locahost:8000/app/webhook/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

My webserver console looks like this after submitting the order on the Stripe website:

app    | [13/Feb/2021 18:19:02] "GET /app/create-checkout-session/ HTTP/1.1" 200 83
app    | [13/Feb/2021 18:19:26] "GET /app/success?session_id=cs_test_a1wL6vrOUwLNkkE3WuKTpUUomIb5ZuaE7qZTZpsSKXH9KvFJhpcSGxIhcu HTTP/1.1" 301 0
app    | [13/Feb/2021 18:19:26] "GET /app/success/?session_id=cs_test_a1wL6vrOUwLNkkE3WuKTpUUomIb5ZuaE7qZTZpsSKXH9KvFJhpcSGxIhcu HTTP/1.1" 200 974

I took the liberty of visiting /app/webhook and saw the following error:

KeyError at /app/webhook/


Request Method: | GET
/src/app/views.py, line 94, in stripe_webhook
['/src',  '/usr/local/lib/python39.zip',  '/usr/local/lib/python3.9',  '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload',  '/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages',  '/src']
Sun, 14 Feb 2021 10:30:04 +0000

I'm not sure if this URL is supposed to be anything but error if you're not in the middle of a subscription transaction (I suspect not) but I thought it might be useful information to help debug.

The result of this is that the Stripe order isn't linked to the signed in user - the model StripeCustomer remains blank and doesn't populate with the new subscription details . Do you know why this final link between Stripe and my DB model isn't working?

From what I can tell, I have all the necessary code from your repo incorporated into my website.

Thank you for putting this guide together, it's been an excellent learning guide so far!

Originally posted by @simon-tarr in #3