ekzhang / sshx

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How to self host the sshx server?

edizeqiri opened this issue · comments

Hi, I am currently trying to run the server locally.

What I did

docker build -t sshx .
docker run -p 8051:8051 sshx:latest



Issue is not only for WSL.
Am I missing a step?

I found it out.

if using nginx then or nginx proxy manager add this:

location /sshx.SshxService/Channel {
grpc_pass grpc://;

Btw @ekzhang, can I make a pull request and add the documentation for selfhosting this with docker and nginx? I think this would safe a lot headache for someone else trying to selfhost it.
` is a local IP range

You're welcome to make PRs for the guide but I won't accept them unless the documentation is correct, safe, well-written, and considers all cases.

If you're not an expert on Nginx configuration and understand why grpc_pass is necessary I wouldn't recommend it.