ekspek / ist-thesis

Classe LaTeX para teses de mestrado do Instituto Superior Técnico

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Cover supervisor listings need changing

ekspek opened this issue · comments

Some changes need to be made to the personnel listing on the cover.

  • Supervisors can be singular or plural, cover needs to account for both cases either manually or automatically
  • Thesis supervisors != supervisors in the jury, cover needs another variable

Separated into supervisor(s) and committee supervisor(s) in the last couple of commits. Singular/plural is still being looked at.

How do I go about not including some information on the cover? E.g. say I don't want a cover image or supervisors in the examination committee?

Good question. I figured the ones I wrote were standard across the board, so I didn't consider other possibilities.

Unfortunately the cover is mostly hardcoded. I thought it would cover the general use cases that match the IST rules for thesis, which unfortunately also don't allow for much creativity, so I left customization out in exchange for binding it to a single command, which still gives me some troubles (hence why this issue is still open).

The fix for this case would be to get the original cover code and renew the \makecover command. So the original code is:

	\includegraphics[viewport=9.5cm 11cm 0cm 0cm,scale=0.29]{IST_A_CMYK_POS}
		{\LARGE\bfseries \ttitle}
		{\Large \tsubtitle}
			\begin{tabular}{c c}
			{\large Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in}
			{\large Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em}
		{\LARGE\bfseries \tdegree}
			\begin{tabular}{r l}
				\ifbool{@english}{Supervisor:}{Orientador:} & \tsupervisor
		{\large\bfseries \ifbool{@english}{Examination Committee}{Júri}}
			\begin{tabular}{r l}
					{Chairperson:}{Presidente:}				& \tchairperson{}		\\
					{Supervisor:}{Orientador:}				& \tcsupervisor{}		\\
					{Members of the Committee:}{Vogais:}	& \tcommittee{}
		{\large\bfseries \tdate{}}

What you could do is:

	\includegraphics[viewport=9.5cm 11cm 0cm 0cm,scale=0.29]{IST_A_CMYK_POS}
		{\LARGE\bfseries \ttitle}
		{\Large \tsubtitle}
			\begin{tabular}{c c}
			{\large Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in}
			{\large Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em}
		{\LARGE\bfseries \tdegree}
			\begin{tabular}{r l}
				\ifbool{@english}{Supervisor:}{Orientador:} & \tsupervisor
		{\large\bfseries \ifbool{@english}{Examination Committee}{Júri}}
			\begin{tabular}{r l}
					{Chairperson:}{Presidente:}				& \tchairperson{}		\\
					{Members of the Committee:}{Vogais:}	& \tcommittee{}
		{\large\bfseries \tdate{}}

Just put that in your preamble if you have the latest version and you should be good to go. Admittedly it's a bit hacky and is a nasty amount of new code in your preamble, but this way you can also change a number of other things in the cover. The lack of a cover image will probably leave an empty void that won't look right, so feel free to adjust the vertical spacing to fit your case (the \vspace calls in the beginning of the center environment).

Sorry I can't give a better answer. If you still get problems let me know.

After some digging I figured everything is pretty standard, yes. I would only suggest flexibility in including a cover image or not, as per #18.