eko234 / kake

Make your makefile more useful in kakoune

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Make you makefile more useful in kakoune,


kake-mode: enter kake-mode, which will map keys acording to the first Makefile found while walking back to the root dir

kake-info: show the mappings avaiable for kake-mode along with their documentation, which is taken from the first comment block on top of the target in a scratch buffer

my recommendation is to map <leader-m> to enter kake-mode, when in this mode you will get the info of each target


by changing the option kake_how, you can define if it does automatic mapping based on the makefile targets, or if you want to look for a .kake file right besides the first found makefile where you would manually map the targets e.g.:

# .kake
run -> r p
test -> t

here run will automatically prompt when pressing r in kake-mode, while test will run instantly

you can also set kake_how to inline, this way when parsing your makefile, kake will try to look for a <target> -> <key> <flag>* pattern on the first comment block on top of the target to decide how it should work, when using auto though, the default is to always prompt so you can set the variables, you can redefine this setting kake_auto_prompt_always to false, also, inline will default to auto in case it doesn't find something resembling a kake configuration line in the comments, if the target key is already taken that target wont be loaded, kake will asume that since you selected inline, you are aware of what you want, being inline just a more convenient way to configure things in comparison to having a .kake file, you can set the option kake_inline_strict to true to make inline only load targets that have the kake config line and discard the ones that don't.


Make your makefile more useful in kakoune