ekino / EkinoNewRelicBundle

Add NewRelic support to Symfony

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Explain interactors

paymonyau opened this issue · comments


I'm having a difficult time setting this up. Could you explain interactors and give examples of YAML files.

If it requires the installation of anything extra. please explain that too. Everything I should need to know should be in the readme.ME. I shouldn't need to do research on this.



You are absolutely correct. Could you explain what you do not understand?

You can read more about interactors here: https://github.com/ekino/EkinoNewRelicBundle#interactor-services
Here is how you install it: https://github.com/ekino/EkinoNewRelicBundle#installation
Here is an exampled Yaml: https://github.com/ekino/EkinoNewRelicBundle#step-3--configure-the-bundle


@paymonyau just use auto I think it should solve your question

It ended up being a legacy problem, one of the devs overrode a service on the old version and it was breaking the code. Falsely pointing to the interactors. After I removed the override, everything worked smoothly.

This was the code that was breaking it if anyone is interested

<!-- This is copy of listener definition from ekino/newrelicbundle. We override it to increase priority to 100 to report JWTToken exceptions to NewRelic --> <service id="ekino.new_relic.exception_listener" class="Ekino\Bundle\NewRelicBundle\Listener\ExceptionListener"> <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="kernel.exception" method="onKernelException" priority="100"/> <argument type="service" id="ekino.new_relic.interactor" /> </service>

Thank you @paymonyau for the feedback.