ekafyi / new-toast-site

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Toast Example Site

This repo is an implementation of the experimental Toast package. It will be updated as Toast is updated with new features.


Try it out:

git clone git@github.com:ChristopherBiscardi/new-toast-site.git
cd new-toast-site
yarn build
npx serve public


This site includes

  • First-class MDX support
  • Server-side rendered syntax highlighting
  • Codeblock highlighting
  • MDXProvider usage
  • babel-plugin-preval examples
  • static/ folder usage
  • src/pages for .js files
  • When selecting text on the page, a tweetable selection will pop up.
  • Styling is done with emotion although this can be replaced with Tailwind or whatever you prefer
  • Preact

More Examples

Existing Toast sites can be found in the wild at the following locations. Feel free to check out the network traffic to see what an ESM-first approach looks like in practice.


Please file issues. Toast is still in early development (there is no documentation yet). There is no official plugins API, no baked-in data fetching (ex: like Gatsby has it's GraphQL layer). This repo works and will be kept updated with new features and bug fixes. If there's functionality you want to see, file a feature request



Language:JavaScript 100.0%